Today’s Reflection
Throughout history, storytelling has been a popular art, something practiced by a wide variety of people in numerous and various settings. Of course some, because of their gifts, became associated with the artful telling of stories, but this identification didn’t mean that the craft of storytelling belonged to the professional. The shadow of the professionalization of storytelling is revealed when people who otherwise might offer stories to their class at school, to their congregation at church, or to their children or grandchildren at home, choose not to. . . . Let me be clear: The people who make their living by telling stories do not intend to discourage others from doing so. In fact, the storytellers I know want their listeners to discover and tell their own stories.
—Michael E. Williams, Spoken into Being: Divine Encounters Through Story (Upper Room Books, 2017)
Today’s Question
With whom do you share your own stories—with your children or grandchildren, with your Sunday school class or small group, with friends and family around the dinner table?
[question written by Michael E. Williams] Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Jesus used many other stories when he spoke to the people, and he taught them as much as they could understand. He did not tell them anything without using stories.
—Mark 4:33-34 (CEV)
Prayer for the Week
Gracious God, thank you for being the original author of the greatest story ever told. Guide us as we learn to tell our own stories and discover how they connect with your story and with the story of humanity. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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I share my stories here, with my Bible study group, and at church..
While the video did not play fully, we still had a good discussion of Romans 3-4
Paul clearly explains grace.
That was followed by an adventure to Waldoboro ME and Morse’s Sauerkraut.
They have an amazing variety of German food . It went well.
Cold in the 30s all day with flurries off and on as well as lots of sunshine.
Thank You, Lord.
A very interesting question. Storytelling can often be a pivotal factor in so many types of interactions. Raw data is important, facts and truth absolutely critical, and context indispensable, but to be of any use all of it must be in a form that listeners can assimilate. Storytelling has been crucial to human information exchange for millennia and across countless cultures. We only need to look to the Bible and its stories for evidence of this.
In my work life I have been blessed to have countless opportunities tell stories as a lawyer, as a corporate person, and as an advocate for personal privacy rights. Spiritually, stories are frequently shared in classes I have taught as well as in mutually supportive conversations with other Christians, with people who are members of other faiths, and with seekers. And though God’s grace I have shared the story of my midlife conversion to Christianity and baptism at age forty-three quite a number of times . . . in gatherings both small and large (and even in a video that a Christian brother posted on the Internet, although I don’t think its up there anymore). Ugh, I am afraid that sounds like bragging (please forgive me, Lord), but I’m actually quite shocked by this(!).
And, of course, now as “Grandpa Rusty” I find myself telling our four-year-old grandson tons of stories.
Lord, praise you and bless you. I know that any stories I have worth sharing are from you and from you alone.
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