Today’s Reflection
I CAN RECOGNIZE the divine flame easily in my children; they so transparently bear the image of God as they display holiness from within and without. It is harder for me to remember that I too carry the divine flame. I may not leap with my body, but my heart leaps with joy when I encounter the presence of the Lord. As I celebrate the spark in my children, I am learning to celebrate and nurture it within me.
—Lauren Burdette
This Life That Is Ours: Motherhood As Spiritual Practice
From page 61-62 of This Life That Is Ours: Motherhood As Spiritual Practice by Lauren Burdette. Copyright © 2019 by The Upper Room. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
What does being made in God’s image mean to you? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
—Genesis 1:27, NRSV
Prayer for the Week
Here I am, Lord.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Being created in the image of God means I have some of God’s attributes. These are not exactly the same as God’s. My godly attributes are limited by my human nature.
Thankful for a so far so good day in Conway, NH. Have seen many places online and from them have picked ones that we have visited. Some of them sold before we were ready, one was not at the address listed, others too far from town. Have had our eyes on a condo for almost a month, yesterday we saw it. No place is perfect, but it offers most of the important features we were looking for. Also saw a house and while it had some interesting features there were more than didn’t fit our goal. Decided to make an offer on the condo and were are awaiting a response. Thank you all for your prayers of encouragement and support. I am hopeful that this puts us on a good path.
Thankful that the new sewer septic system pump is to be installed here around 9 am today. It should make life more normal.
Prayers for God’s peace, wisdom, comfort, support, and strength to each of you as is your need. Thankful that God loves us, offers us salvation, grace, and mercy through Jesus Christ, His Son, and our Lord, and Savior.
Made in God’s image means first and foremost, I need to rid my human filters on image. Human definitions of image can be so destructive. The world has made it destructive by assigning value to certain characteristics, not assigned by God. Though people have tried to assign an “acceptable” image even to God, She/He is not contained by that image. God is ALL images put together. If he created everything in his/her image – then what a masterpiece God must be. If God is a masterpiece, and we are made in her/his image, then we too are masterpieces – the very brilliance of the stroke of God’s paint brush. With that in mind – see yourself as the brilliance God created that reflects the very essence of God. Never judge another’s image – even for a second – because you are judging God.
Lord Please be with Kurt in his struggles and heal him. He went to the Hospital with Chest Pains last night.
Please heal his body and give him strength and protect him.
I know he is struggling and Stressed beyond his means. Please let him ask for help .
To be created in God’s image means we reflect God’s glory, love, compassion, grace, etc. God’s attributes.
Blessings to all!
Lord, please heal Kurt’s heart and body. Amen.
Thank you for these thoughts. I haven’t found leaping enjoy for a while. I used to feel the spark but somehow it seems The Faded. I pray for it to return but mine are just said that God is not what it was . I go about the commandments – teaching Sunday school and visiting at the nursing home. I need the prayers of others. I have the prayers of those in my church family. It’s a Wonderful blessing. Prayers from those who read The Upper Room would be appreciated and I will pray for others who find themselves in this spot right now.
Praying for you, Martha. I too have lost the “spark”. I believe it is still there but teeny-tiny! Let’s reclaim it together as our Special Spring Spark that will become our Spectacular Summer Spark. God bless you.
Created in God’s image means that I have the potential to strive to emulate Him. As a follower of His, I read His words and learn of His characteristics and how He interacts with us. I can attempt to model my behavior to reflect His example. I will never achieve a true replication of Him as I am only an image. Much as a mirror is an image and can never truly be the indiviual, I am an image of God and can never achieve His perfect nature.
Prayers for Robert and Erich, may their travels be safe and fruitful.
Prayers for Kurt, may his health and circumstances improve.
Prayers for Andrea, may her leg and relationship improve.
Prayers for Betsy, may her family and ministries be blessed.
Prayers for Connie, may her spirits soar with the birds.
Prayers for Lou, may her and her daughter have bright futures.
Prayers for Mary, may she be joy filled and may her mother improve.
Prayers for Marcy, may she and Lucy be happy in their new home.
Prayers for Jill and her family, may Gloria be comfortable physically and within the warmth and support of her family. May Jill, Larry, and Becky be strengthened by one another and by God.
Prayers and blessings and warm hugs dear UR family and thank you for your prayers and kind words
Thank you Julie and God bless you and your family abundantly!
I feel blessed to be a child of God, made in His image. I strive to make Him proud of His daughter.
“For lo, the Winter is past. The rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the Earth. The time of the singing of birds is come and the voice of the Turtle is heard in the land.”
Yes, Connie.
May we bring joy to our Heavenly Father!
I need prayers for my Mom and Sister. My mom has stage4 liver cancer. She has survived breast cancer and colon cancer. She is 80yrs old, her name is Juanita. My Sister just found out that she has colon cancer. Her name is Maria.
Thank you all and God Bless.
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