Today’s Reflection
Our prayer is that this [book] will help you develop a justice imagination that can speak a comprehensive, hands-on word of spirituality and social transformation into this racist, economically unequal, yet deeply hungry and hopeful moment.
A justice imagination is resistance at work. In a time period when folks laugh at us for believing justice is possible, those with a justice imagination find it within their hearts to imagine anyhow. That is our hope for you, that you might come away from this devotional with a desire to imagine a better world despite the pain of the moment.
—Gabby Cudjoe-Wilkes and Andrew Wilkes, Psalms for Black Lives: Reflections for the Work of Liberation (Upper Room Books, 2022)
Today’s Question
In the past few years, who or what has helped you believe that justice is possible?
Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Happy are those
who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
or take the path that sinners tread,
or sit in the seat of scoffers;
but their delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law they meditate day and night.
—Psalm 1:1-2 (NRSVUE)
Prayer for the Week
Gracious God of Liberation, free us from our enemies. And when we are the enemies, transform us from oppressing others into removing the yoke from their necks and practicing freedom. In Christ’s name, Amen. —Prayer from Psalms for Black Lives by Gabby Cudjoe-Wilkes and Andrew Wilkes
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
This week’s featured book, Psalms for Black Lives, is now available in audiobook. Listen, pray, and develop a justice imagination. Learn more here.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Transfiguration Sunday
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Growing up in the aftermath of the church bombing in Birmingham that killed 4 young girls, it seemed those girl and their families would never receive Justice. In the late 70s, the first of the murderers were tried and sentenced to prison for their crimes. In the 90s, others were brought to trial and went to prison and hve been held accountable for their crimes. Nothing can bring back those little girls who were taken so horrifically 60 years ago, but their families and their church gained a sense of closure. Since that time, 16th ST. Baptist Church has promoted love. I’m humbled by their ability to do that.
I spent 40 years as a lawyer and in the “justice business.” So I’d say the people who have helped me to believe justice is possible are whose who have devoted their lives to honoring our nation’s justice system and striving for justice to be done – just as Ally describes above. I do believe our justice system is sound so long as powerful individuals and groups do not work to actively subvert it. We have seen, however, that justice in the courts of this country can be can be derailed if respect for the rule of law is undermined by powerful people who seek to pervert it for their own selfish ends.
Then our only hope is in God’s justice. Lord, you are ultimately our only true hope. Help us, Father.
Prayers for Robert. I hope he is okay.
I will never forget when that man who entered an Amish one room schoolhouse and gunned down all those innocent children. Afterward, as the world reeled in shock and sought vengence, their parents stated that they forgave the man and did not seek any retribution. That is true justice. To leave that man to be judged by the only One who is qualified to judge. I learned from them that justice will happen if we trust in the Lord and turn all transgressions over to him.
My colleagues who attempt to bridge the divide amongst the diversity at my school – these people are on the ground floor, instilling worth in all the overlooked, under-privileged youth. These are the heroes – who love well, sacrifice to provide for those who need assistance…monetarily, time-wise, heart investment. Seeing this play out virtually and then back in person, as the needs have amplified – it is encouraging.
What is also encouraging is that we are on our fifth consecutive day of sunshine! So good.
PT yesterday went well – I finally have advanced to some agility stuff, as opposed to just balance and strength training. My feet are moving, very slowly and carefully, but moving nonetheless…with the briefest of nano-seconds where both feet are off the ground at the same time. None of this happened in the Fall following my first surgery. Progress I needed to see and experience. Grateful.
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