New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

"A Liturgy for Morning Prayer," Upper Room Worshipbook

Used by permission from the Book of Common Worship, © 2018 Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved. This prayer appears in “A Liturgy for Morning Prayer” in Upper Room Worshipbook.


Words of Hope During COVID-19

Chebon Kernell, executive director for the Native American Comprehensive Plan of the UMC, says that COVID has reminded us of a simpler, healthier way of living. He prays that we will come away from the pandemic realizing the value of living more simply.


Today’s Reflection

Loneliness is a painful experience because we are created with a longing for intimacy, connection, and relationship. Most people intuitively understand that there is a longing within them; yet, others resist the longing. When we hear about God’s offer of transforming friendship, I hope we will recognize it as what we are really looking for so that we can explore it further. I believe that if we experience such a relationship, our deepest loneliness may be healed.

—Trevor Hudson, Beyond Loneliness: The Gift of God’s Friendship (Upper Room Books, 2016)

Today’s Question

What longings in your life might point to God? Join the conversation.

Today’s Scripture

O God, you are my God, I seek you,
my soul thirsts for you;
my flesh faints for you,
as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

—Psalm 63:1 (NRSV)

Prayer for the Week

Dear God, make me a channel of blessing to someone today.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.

Something More

Be a friend. Let someone requesting prayer on The Upper Room Prayer Wall know you are praying for and with them. Check out this helpful guide.

Lectionary Readings

(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)

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  • Lou Posted May 19, 2020 5:12 am

    Many sheltering in might feel more alone at this time than ever- prayers for all of those who are living alone that they may feel Gods presence and peace. I am thankful to have one child at home even though we have our ups and downs day to day we are support for each other. I pray for my mother who is alone and feared the heavy storms in her area last night. I pray for my brother who is also alone and who often feels lonely I think. I need to connect with him more and be a better support to him. Prayers for my oldest daughter who is currently living alone – I pray for her well being and the strength to
    Get through this time. Prayers for Marcy – thankful for her caregiver and pets that give her comfort. Prayers for all this day – that you may find the peace that only God can give. Help us all to be instruments of this peace, sharing loving kindness to all that we encounter.

  • Jill Posted May 19, 2020 5:58 am

    The longing I sense is to continue being present in my support groups, knowing God will bring a person whom I can walk beside, just as He brought that person to me in my time of need. It is entirely possible this person may come to me via a different avenue, so to be ready, to be “out there”. Nearly impossible during these strange times. But – staying in the Word, in tune with Him and connected via technology to my groups and friends.
    Yesterday was like a “normal day” of times gone past. A trip to the dentist, treated myself to a Starbucks as a reward for “look mom, no cavities” and then I quickly ran into a grocery store to buy some produce. After “class” – went over to my friend’s – we have decided that it is ok to be in each other’s houses…good thing because it was rainy. We ordered out BBQ and then began the book study after dinner. Slowly, slowly, slowly creeping back towards what life used to be like.
    Still raining this morning, so looks like a second consecutive morning on the elliptical. Rain should break by this afternoon – so will surely get out for a walk later.
    Father – I ask that you would grant each person here who is sharing a household with another – a special measure of patience and grace, needed for their specific circumstances. Patience and grace for themselves and for their counterpart…Ally and David, Lou and her youngest, Julie and Megan, Robert and Erich, Rick and his husband, Andrea and Lowell.
    I am thinking of Connie this AM – her garden and her hummers. I pray that she is well.
    Marcy – thank you for your encouraging words, a fountain of pleasantries.

  • robert moeller Posted May 19, 2020 6:01 am

    Yes, Lou, prayers for you, your children, brother, and Mom. God sustain you all. Unknowingly and knowingly God has done that for me ałl my life or I wouldn’t be where I am now. Thank You, Lord.
    So thankful for posts here from fellow believers. Sunshine peeks in the window, a beautiful day that the
    Lord has made. God’s peace to all.

  • Julie Posted May 19, 2020 8:32 am

    I relate to Robert’s comments of yesterday as I, too, look to this group as my close friends. I speak things here that I whisper to no one else. So I long for an “in person” confidante.
    Prayers for Lou, her daughters, her mother and brother, may all know the love of one another and connect often.
    Prayers for Jill as she attempts to inch back to normal, may she remain healthy. Prayers for her to find a person in need of her insights.
    Prayers for Robert, so good to see comments regularly again.
    Prayers for Marcy and Lucy. May we pray for your new helper? I am thankful you have someone again.
    The roofers are here again. The drywaller patched the hole in the ceiling which was created during the effort to find the leak through the ceiling to the light fixture. The light fixture will be replaced during all this work being done.
    Prayers and thank you and stay healthy dear UR

  • Ally Posted May 19, 2020 9:21 am

    Any longing or need we have can be fulfilled by God. That seems a simplistic answer, but God may fulfill our longings by being present with us through the Holy Spirit being present with us, through meditation and study of scripture, or through the presence of a trusted friend or family member. God may also be present and fulfill us through service to others. What I pray for myself is that i can be content with the companionship of God alone. However, as a human who enjoys the company of others, I am thankful for those who have given the gift of true friendship. Lord, help me to be a true friend in return.
    David continues to progress and worked with the PT on negotiating up and down steps yesterday. This morning, he made his own breakfast. He tires easily and after PT yesterday, slept about 3 hours. He can only stand for short periods, but progress is moving forward. Thank you for your continued prayers for us. Please pray for Cathy, my best high school friend, who has been diagnosed and is pretty sick.
    Lou, I I am in agreement in prayer with you for those who are alone at home. May God grant them grace and peace. I pray you and your child at home may find times of companionship and times of solitude when you need it. Robert, you blessed my heart when you mentioned how the sunshine made you smile. May you find continued blessings in the freshness of the morning. Jill, I’m so glad you have a companion you can study with. May the book bring both of you joy and insight. Julie, I am thankful we are here for each other and have built up enough trust to share what is in our hearts. I pray God may place an “in person” companion to share friendship. I pray we all make time to sit in God’s presence. I pray we noticed the little things around us that remind us that God is present. I pray we all stay safe. Blessing to all on this drizzly day.

  • April Posted May 19, 2020 11:21 am

    What longings in your life might point to God?
    I feel I am more of a quiet and do-it-yourself person rather than one that tells everyone all of their concerns and then receives numerous ideas from others. However, sometimes I don’t feel I can make decisions by myself, and then I reach out to God first to listen for His answer. Sometimes He points me to others to help with concerns. A great way for me to reach out to others and have connections is to offer food or a get together. It is amazing how quickly people respond to these invitations and soon we are together….to see and hear each other’s voices as we chat a bit. This past week I put goodies on a ledge in front of my house for three of my co-workers with small children and they drove up and collected. We stayed 6 feet apart and talked for up to 30 minutes, but the time just flew by. When I reflect on what we said, there is an answer to the concern that was bothering me. I know this is God’s answer to me and I confidently move forward.
    So good to read Marcy’s posts!! Your positive attitude is so uplifting even as I am aware of the physical struggles you face. May all things continue to work together in your life, and if we don’t hear daily, we know you are with us in prayer.
    Welcome home David!! After graduating from class, there is always more to learn in the real world….blessings that you have a wonderful Ally to be there beside you and numerous home health providers. God is watching over you.
    I lift up all who have already posted today…. Lou, Jill, Julie, Ally, Robert …and your specific requests. May you and any who come to this site today feel the blessings of God poured down upon you as we greet the day and walk the path that is before us. I feel so close to each of you as you post about yourself, family, friends. I am sure we would recognize each other if we happened to see each other, or better yet, what a delightful meal we would enjoy as we sat around the table together.
    We are in the midst of many days of rain. I get outside between showers and pull weeds. The spring flowers are smiling at me, the summer flowers taking root so they will be ready to bloom in the hot heat, the fall plants starting to green up. The birds are singing and hoping from branch to branch. I feel God’s closeness and know “He’s got the whole world in His hands.”

    • Rick Posted May 19, 2020 8:23 pm

      God comes to me in many ways, although school has kept me busy. Coming here and reading posts inspires me and connects me to a deeper meaning of what faith is, and I see witnesses of faith in practice. I think perhaps April and Robert hit my deep longing which is fellowship. Fellowship with family, I’ve not seen in a few years. And I miss working with those in need. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we did know each other if we ran into one another, or if we could break bread togeher.
      These times have made me appreaciate life in a new way.
      Jill, I pray God will place someone in your life that you may walk along side with. Julie, I pray that you too will find an in person confidant. Robert, I would love to see your inspiration for your diorama. Ally continued prayers for you and David and for your best friend Cathy.
      Lou, prayers for you and your family.
      Prayers for April, and Marcy and all who visit here.

  • Marcy Posted May 20, 2020 1:43 am

    LOU, yes it’s been crazy weather in Illinois lately. I’m in the far northwest suburbs and we got soaked. More rain coming. I will pray for you, and your daughter,  your mother, brother and eldest daughter. It is good of you to pray for me; thank you from Lucy and I. My helper is just wonderful. Prayers anchored in God’s Love. 🙏⚓⛪❤

    JILL we will have rain on and off all week. It’s odd to pray for people who are living with others, but I understand. It’s just that I’ve been alone for eight years now and if it wasn’t for Lucy, I’d be terribly depressed. I am restricted to home for the foreseeable future because I can’t take the risks. I will be praying for you and LARRY and your sister, your friend who you’ve decided to be at each other’s homes, and hour support group members. Roger must be some comfort for you, too. Sending Love to you both 💌💖🐱🐈 from Lucy and I.

    ROBERT, I know you are itching to get out and about, like you’ve always done. I don’t blame you! It’s so good to hear an occassional word of progress on your trains. You are so talented. I am praying for you and ERICH, and yes, Pearl (?) You are all such lifelines for the homebound. Believe that! I’m waiting for a sunshine day and my walker to be delivered for some exercise out my back patio.

    JULIE , my lovely friend, a warm Hello from Lucy to Tazzie, angel! 👋🐈🐱😇 My helper’s name is Roxie, short for Roxana. She has a sin and a daughter, by which she has grandchildren. Her son has three cats! My first confidante, Julie, I am praying for the necessary strength you need, happiness to come into fruition in your life, without apprehension. Prayers for MEGAN, your dear daughter, and Chai. Hopefully, the roofers will be done real soon, and the job done well. I send prayers from the depths of my heart to yours. It is such a gift from God to have found you, and improvement beyond belief with the Botox (!) injections that have relieved the migraines. Yes, right in my head! Lol! Please know you are loved and cherished! 💌💖🙏🐈🐱🌿🌻🌱🌼🌳❤🙏🌷💯💒💐🌹🌸

    ALLY, I am keeping you and DAVID in prayer as he recovers at home. And now, your friend, CATHY, your best high school friend who has been diagnosed. Almighty Father, please heal David and bring him back to complete health, praising Your name. Christ our King, lay healing hands on Cathy that she may resume her life with zeal for You. 🙏💒💯🙏👑⛪😄🌻

    APRIL, and I am one who shares ALL my concerns (just about), HOPING for useful suggestions or sometimes, just encouragement. As for Bible study and time God’s Presence, I am back and forth during the day. I pray first thing in the morning, read devotionals and the scriptures and usually don’t comment until late, after my evening prayers. With my helper available, there is much to do, just in my small apartment. I pray throughout the day, and often, enlightenment comes later. The point is, I rely on people for ideas to make my physical life better, and rely on God to make EVERYTHING better, including mindset. It’s good to have two-way channels with you all and most of all, our Triune God. I’m praying for you and your co-workers/their children, that you soon have some semblance of normality back again. 🙏🙏😇👪😄💒💐🌹🌸💌💖

    RICK, you have conveyed my fondest wish! I long to sit down around a table with you all, pray, and have an illuminating, uplifting and Spirit-filled Bible study, followed by a prayer and dinner! Oh what a joy that would be! Coming together in our Triune God’s name! Alas, I think Lou, Connie and I are near Chicago, the rest of you on the east coast (?). I would take a train and remember my Dad. Rick, I am praying for the next week and a half or so for your finals, 📖💻 and I’m praying for your husband (name), ❤❤ and your cat, LC, 🐱 who suffers from type 2 diabetes. My ginger tabby girl says Hi. Prayers anchored in God’s Love. 🙏⚓❤

    To be followed by a shorter post.

  • Marcy Posted May 20, 2020 2:27 am

    Hello New Every Morning Friends! I have prayed for you all on this devotional, “Longing.” I include all who are keeping any prayer requests to themselves in the BALCONY and beyond. I’m thinking and praying for Andrea and her family, Connie and her family, Betsy, Mary, Rusty, Francesca, and their families and all the names I’ve written and prayed for among you. I am praising God with all of you in any and all circumstances.

    Rick, you had the closest longing to my own, which was to meet with all of you for prayer, a Bible study and a shared meal. I’ve amended that now to a weekend retreat! My faith family here is much more present than my own. They have gone Home to be with God, or they are far from God. I’ve no children, so that’s a joy I was never to know. I’ve been alone for eight years now, and surely wouldn’t mind a truly loving partner and children, even if it would be annoying and irritating after nine weeks. But it was not to be. Due to my medical issues, I’ve spent hours and hours with God in prayer, single person Bible study and fellowship in the UR family. Much good has come from my time with God. A whole new layer to the Three. Fellowship, even before a pandemic, was missing. Quite a large part. I am thankful and grateful to all of you, each pointing me to God from different perspectives and experiences, yet we are united in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!

    Blessings upon blessings, to all who visit here. Thank you for your prayers. God is so good.

    And these three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love; and the greatest of these is LOVE! 💌💖🙏⚓❤🌼🌻🙏🌹🌸🌷

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