Today’s Reflection
WHILE THE DANGER of sabbath intentions and parameters might drive away people because they feel like obligations, not observing sabbath at all can leave us feeling self-centered. If we practice the Jewish or Christian faith, then sabbath orders our lives rightly; it makes God the Creator and us the blessed recipients of creation and rest.
—J. Dana Trent, For Sabbath’s Sake: Embracing Your Need for Rest, Worship, and Community (Upper Room Books, 2017)
Today’s Question
How does sabbath help you receive the gifts of creation and rest? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Observe the sabbath day and keep it holy, as the LORD your God commanded you. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God.
—Deuteronomy 5:12-14a (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
Holy One,
I am listening.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
This Lent, The Upper Room is offering an online Lenten Calendar for children, youth, and families. Visit to interact with the calendar and sign up to receive each day’s practice in your inbox.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
I have never “observed the Sabbath” in its strictest meaning. I always viewed Sunday as a day to be in church, worshiping corporately with other members of the body of Christ. Growing up – this then extended into Sunday lunch following church with family.
As far as “rest” – I am usually able to be pretty intentional about having one day of the weekend be free of any school grading and planning. This is indeed a “resting” from work – but physically and mentally.
I don’t feel like either of these pieces make me more or less able to recognize my blessedness and receive gifts. I think being in tune with Him is a place/space of continually being aware of Him and walking humbly, staying in the moment and seeking to assist His Kingdom come in my daily living.
Dad arrived safely late last evening. I think the time away was good, but I also sense he is ready to be back in his own space, on his own time, with his own agenda and schedule.
i had an AHA moment as i read Jill’s post. I did not grow up in a “church going” family. Myy grandfather attended mass alone and never spoke about his faith. When I was very small, not even in school, my mother put me on a bus from a church full of stangers, a strang red faced man yelling from a high plce in the front and then dunking white “sheet” clad people what sounded like an invisible pool. I have few good memories, at least in early childhood. The best church experience was in junior high with my best friends family. So, like Jill, I feel closest to God and most recptive to His gifts of creation and rest outside of church. I receive His gifts of creation when in it or viewing it. I find rest as I pray, read the Bible or the UR and these psots.
Prayers for Jill and Larry. Thankful Larry is home safe and sound. Prayers for Jill’s new meds to be approved and helpful.
Prayers for Robert as he continues to search for a “new” vehicle, may the Lord show him to one that is safe and reliable.
Prayers for Rick as he continues his very busy semester, may he find succcess and rest as well.
Prayers for April and her family, may all be well and may April grow closer to the Lord and her family.
Prayers for Andrea, Betsy, BJ, Connie, Edy, Lou, Mary and Marcy.
Prayers and thank you UR
After a short drive past Mount Washington to Berlin NH and a visit to a certified used car dealer, we are quit confident we will find a car that works for us. Some bills out of the way and the focus will be buying a replacement for a car with 324K miles. Thank you Julie.
I pray there are resolutions to your hands and foot condition and better living conditions. God comes to each of us in different ways. Thankful that God is so capable.
Long ago the atmosphere on Sunday was quite different. I’m not sure it was anymore restful, but it was slower paced, less done. As a high school, college student, and teacher Sunday was often the day to get ready for the week. At one teaching position I had so much to do during the week, that Saturday was the rest day when family came first. Vacations during the school year meant a lot of time grading student work as well as prep for classes. There were also times when I worked weekends or was away on Scout campouts. Tough to do when you are a teacher. Retired now. Sunday is much more relaxed. Going to church builds me up.
Glad Jill and her Dad are home safe, hope a new med helps where the old one left off. Prayers for all the UR family. I have to go back and check posts. Prayers for all with the coronavirus wherever they are. Guide us Lord to find a vaccine.
I recommend JESUS by Max Lucado. A modern applicable understanding of Jesus and through Him God.
God is with us, Lent is here, may it be meaningful, helpful, and faith deepening. Thank You, Lord.
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