New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

"A Liturgy for Morning Prayer," Upper Room Worshipbook

Used by permission from the Book of Common Worship, © 2018 Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved. This prayer appears in “A Liturgy for Morning Prayer” in Upper Room Worshipbook.


Words of Hope During COVID-19

Maggie Taylor talks about how important walks in nature have been for her during quarantine. God is everywhere, especially in the nature—get out and enjoy the beauty of God’s world.


Today’s Reflection

God’s love is boundless in good times and sad. God’s love will carry us through times of tears until we reach a place of gratitude and praise for God’s goodness. Julian of Norwich (ca. 1342–1416), an English mystic, wrote, “The fullness of joy is to behold God in everything.” Everything—including our journey of grief. May it be so.

—Nell E. Noonan, A Widow’s Prayer: Finding God’s Grace in the Days Ahead (Upper Room Books, 2015)

Today’s Question

How has God’s boundless love carried you in both good times and sad? Join the conversation.

Today’s Scripture

So you have pain now; but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.
—John 16:22 (NRSV)

Prayer for the Week

God, help me listen to—and learn from—what you are teaching my heart today.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.

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Lectionary Readings

(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)

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  • Jill Posted May 15, 2020 6:06 am

    God’s love sustains me steadily, consistently. When I still myself – I am aware of its all encompassing sufficiency. I am so grateful for His provision…knowing He is working something far greater than I can comprehend, with transformation the ultimate goal. Thank You, Father – that I know that I know that I know.
    What a wonderful surprise to hear from you, Marcy. May God continue to protect you, and provide what is needed. Strength for today, may His love rest upon you.
    I try to imagine the emotions, the activity, the welcoming of David back to his home. Father – thank You for accompanying both David and Ally through these challenging times.
    Was able to visit with a friend last night, eat take out Thai on her back deck and take a leisurely walk with her and her dogs. Hope to work in my flower beds today, between rain drops.

  • Julie Posted May 15, 2020 8:32 am

    God’s love is the only thing that sustains me through sad and bad times. I cling to Him, His strength, His steadfastness, His promisis.
    Prayers for Jill and her friend who she visited with last night, may they have grown strong from the time spent together.
    Prayers for Ally and David, may their reunion have been filled with great joy and may the days ahead be filled with healing
    Prayers of great thanks that we have heard from our precious sister Marcy. My heart jumped with joy over your missive! What wonderful news that you are well and have a companion to assist you with your needs. I had prayed for just such a person and He provided. May you and Roger feel my hugs from afar!
    The shingles are to be delivered today and more rain is forecast. H still home and I fear it is permanent. I have continued to cope by not communicating verbally and finally h has stopped being underfoot so much.
    Prayers, thank you and good health dear UR

  • Ally Posted May 15, 2020 6:04 pm

    I have felt God’s presence in life seasons. For some reason the last few months I often found it hard to hear God’s voice. Then true trials hit and I felt God’s surrounds me as the uncertainty of the outcome of David’s illness weighed heavily on me. Through that love, I found peace. Praying Psalm 121 helped still my heart so I could listen for God’s voice. I felt the love of God in a tangible way through this and other scriptures. God has used the love of others to lift me up. I have felt inadequate and not up to the task of caring for David. I cannot do it on my own, to be sure. The encouraging and loving words from family and friends remind me that in my weakness, God is strong. As my daddy would tell me when I was discouraged, “His grace is sufficient “.
    David is home! The therapy team was waiting as we made our way to the car. They pronounced him graduated and gave him a diploma and balloons. We were so moved! We had a celebration lunch, carefully social distancing and a good trip home. Last evening was a bit of a challenge. We were both exhausted and stressed. Today, home health came and assessed him. On his list of medications is a high powered blood thinner. We asked the nurse about it and she looked in his chart and said he had a pulmonary embolism in hospital. Not sure if I was told and for some reason didn’t take it in or what. PE is a life-threatening condition. God is amazing. . Our good friends are providing dinner tonight. We feel so blessed!
    Julie, I’m so glad you got to connect with your friend and share a meal. In this time of isolation, we need each other. Julie, I’m thankful you found some peace in your situation with. Sometimes we have to step back. Praying for wisdom. Marcy, I don’t know you but these other ladies do, and are overjoyed to hear from you. I thank God you are feeling well and feel like posting here. I thank God for all of you and pray I’m this challenging time, we find ways to connect with God and others. We must get creative at times. I miss the mundane. David and usually go to IHOP on Friday night. Miss those little things. Be blessed!

  • Ally Posted May 15, 2020 6:08 pm

    Jill, so sorry. I called you Julie. Love to you all.

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