New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

"A Liturgy for Morning Prayer," Upper Room Worshipbook

Used by permission from the Book of Common Worship, © 2018 Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved. This prayer appears in “A Liturgy for Morning Prayer” in Upper Room Worshipbook.


Today’s Reflection

Prayer is not bending God to my will but bringing my will into conformity with God’s so that God’s will may work in and through me. . . . Prayer is not bending the universe to your will, making God a cosmic bellhop for your purposes; prayer is cooperating with God’s purposes to do things you never dreamed you could do. The highest form of prayer comes in Jesus’ words in Gethsemane: “Yet, not my will but yours be done” (Luke 22:42).

—E. Stanley Jones, How to Pray, with commentary by Tom Albin (E. Stanley Jones Foundation and Upper Room Books, 2015)

Today’s Question

How often do you pray for God’s will to be done? Join the conversation.

Today’s Scripture

[Jesus prayed,] “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.”
—Luke 22:42 (NLT)

Prayer for the Week

Gracious Christ, teach me to pray. . . . Give me the mind to pray, the love to pray, the will to pray. Let prayer be the aroma of every act, the atmosphere of every thought, my native air. In your name. Amen. [Prayer by E. Stanley Jones]
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.

Something More

The Upper Room has a long history of supporting The United Methodist Church General Conference in prayer. We are seeking volunteers to serve in our prayer ministry at General Conference in Charlotte, NC, April 23-May 3, 2024. Apply to be a Prayer Room Volunteer by March 24. Learn more here!

Lectionary Readings

(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)

Liturgy of the Palms

Liturgy of the Passion

Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.


  • robert moeller Posted March 19, 2024 6:13 am

    Not as often as I should. I thank God daily for being ever present. Without You, Lord, I don’t exist. Some of my actions fulfill Your will. Thank You, for the blessings of the day. Prayers for the faithful NEM members who reached out to me. I pray for them. Prayers too that “awaiting moderation” goes away. Thank You, Lord

  • Gail Churchill Posted March 19, 2024 7:21 am

    Not often enough. I resolve to pray the Lord’s prayer mindfully and regularly. My prayer life has probably fallen in the cosmic bellhop camp.

  • April Posted March 19, 2024 9:31 am

    I found this on 365 Days site and it gave me a new way of thinking/praying
    Proverbs 16 : 3. Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will and] so shall your plans be established and succeed.
    God hears us and together we can work to accomplish His work as His hands and feet in or world.
    Prayers for all.

  • Rusty Posted March 19, 2024 11:31 am

    It is a common prayer of mine. I often pray quietly, “Thy will, Thy will, Thy will . . .” under my breath. Sometimes it’s the only thing I can think of to pray when things become hard to cope with. I think I learned this from a wise Christian many years ago whose wife was very ill. I asked him how I could pray for them (because at that time early in my walk I thought that was what fellow Christians should do), and he said, “Pray for God’s will to be done.” It was a new perspective and a new way to pray for me at the time, and it stuck.

  • Jill Posted March 19, 2024 6:06 pm

    This is not in my prayers often enough – but I trust He knows that this stance is in my heart. But – nevertheless – I need to be more cognizant of it.
    April – thank you for that verse – I will begin with it tomorrow morning.
    I think my prayer from Psalm 5:8 – Lord, lead me in Your righteousness has the (under?)tone of – Thy will. Yes, I want to be leadable.
    Cold weather is back and I am grateful my heated mattress pad is still on my bed. And grateful for my two cats who bookend me – keeping me warm. They are such a joy.
    Colleagues and I at work feel like we are trudging towards next Thursday at 3:15…then spring break. Seems challenging right now. Many of the seniors have “checked out” mentally. Motivation is hard. Hoping my students come back from break ready to put the pedal to the metal for three weeks – then we test.

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