New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

"A Liturgy for Morning Prayer," Upper Room Worshipbook

Used by permission from the Book of Common Worship, © 2018 Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved. This prayer appears in “A Liturgy for Morning Prayer” in Upper Room Worshipbook.

Which Way, Lord?

Exploring Your Life's Purpose in the Journeys of Paul

Rob Fuquay • August 2017

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As Christians, we hunger to know and live out God's purposes for our lives. But how do we know for certain that our choices are moving us in the right direction?

Which Way, Lord? is a 6-session churchwide or small-group study that will help you understand God's desire for your life by unpacking your experiences alongside those of the apostle Paul.

Through many detours, adversity, and time spent thinking about his life, Paul completely reoriented his understanding of faith and God's purpose for his life. God placed Paul in a community that shared God's love with him, and Paul underwent several years of training in preparation for his ministry.

Discover how to discern and follow God's leading, explore ways God can use you and your life experience, respond to God's signals, endure hardships and doubts, and persevere with hope and faith. Rediscover the truths that you are wonderfully made, created for purpose, and equipped to live a life of significance. Join us in traveling together to find your purpose.

What is included in the study?


  • Exploration of biblical stories about the life and missionary journeys of Paul
  • Fuquay's personal experiences of learning and discerning to follow God's will
  • Servant Spotlights—stories from Christians who discerned and lived out God's purpose for them
  • Reflection questions


  • Age-level guides for children, youth, and adults
  • 6 sessions filmed in Turkey, Israel, and Greece. Fuquay explains the significance of various locations in Paul's missionary journeys, enlightening viewers with tidbits about the history and culture of Paul's time. The video sessions for this study are as follows:
    • Session 1: "Consulting Your GPS" — 14:05
    • Session 2: "Understanding Yourself" — 11:51
    • Session 3: "Facing Adversity" — 13:53
    • Session 4: "Dealing with Detours" — 9:40
    • Session 5: "When You Doubt Yourself" — 11:35
    • Session 6: "Tenacity" — 16:07

To purchase the DVD click here.

For more information and samples, visit WhichWayLord.UpperRoomBooks.com.

Categories: Discipleship, Series
Rev. Rob Fuquay is senior pastor at St. Luke's United Methodist Church in Indianapolis, IN. As a pastor to one of the largest churches in the denomination, Rob says as he studies Jesus, he sees someone who shows grace to all people, and he wants to be a part of a church that models that understanding. Fuquay has degrees from Pfeiffer University and Candler School of Theology at Emory University. He and his wife, Susan, have three daughters — Julie, Sarah, and Anna. Rob is the best-selling author of The God We Can Know: Exploring the "I Am" Statements of Jesus.

ISBN: 978-0-8358-1702-8

Kindle ISBN: 978-0-8358-1704-2

EPub ISBN: 978-0-8358-1705-9

Imprint: Upper Room

Pub Date: August 2017

Trim Size: 6 in (w) x 9 in (h) x 0.264 in (d)

Page Count: 128

BISAC Categories: RELIGION / Biblical Studies / General

BISAC1: REL006000

BISAC2: REL108010

BISAC3: REL023000

Rob Fuquay's Which Way, Lord? is first and foremost a book of encouragement for those who actively seek a purpose and meaningful direction in life as Christians. It is also a delightfully painless way to learn about the life of Paul, his conversion, his careful listening to Christ before beginning ministry, three missionary trips, and all the challenges Paul faced in being obedient to Christ until the end of his life. Fuquay's writing is informed by scholarship and at the same time user-friendly with its down-to-earth approach. His humor and use of real-life stories, "servant spotlight" testimonies, make for an engaging read. I commend this book for anyone interested in a deepened understanding of and commitment to following the ways of Jesus.
—Lallene J. Rector President, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary

Books by Rob Fuquay