Today’s Reflection
Be Brave in Prayer
for God already knows
what it holds within –
your dreams, your sorrows,
your yesterdays, your tomorrows.
Why then be afraid
of the asking?
It is not what you pray
but that you do pray
that touches God.
Be brave in prayer.
Freely give to God,
and God will give in return.
devozine, July/August 2005
“Be Brave in Prayer,” by K. S. Hardy, is from page 29, devozine, the devotional lifestyle magazine for teens, July/August 2005. Copyright © 2005 by The Upper Room. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
Write and pray your own brave prayer. Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD.
Psalm 130:1, NRSV
This Week: pray for students starting back to school. Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
Did You Know?
In need of prayer? The Upper Room Living Prayer Center is a 7-day-a-week intercessory prayer ministry staffed by trained volunteers. Call 1-800-251-2468 or visit The Living Prayer Center website.
This week we remember: Ignatius of Loyola (July 31).
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Please help me Lord. You know my fears, my struggles, my sadness. Help me Lord. I am thankful that you wake me each morning. Thank you for my job that helps me support my family. Thank you for my children- I am so thankful for them. Thank you for friendship and for this place and the support and love and prayers from the UR family. Help me Lord.
Father of all comfort – please be very near to Connie this week, this very tough week. May memories be gentle, and surround her with Your ever encompassing arms of love. And, even so, blessed be Your Hallowed Name forever. Continue to strengthen Lou, for she is strong, because of You. As she strongly desires goodness for her children, assure her they are in Your sure hands. Thank You for where You have brought her thus far. Thank You for perfectly timed messages and words. I pray for those who suffer physically, especially Julie and Marcy – Father, may they know You are with them, and in their weakness and struggles, You are their balm, their strength. Renew them. I praise You for Robert’s steadfastness with his son. Continue to bolster his efforts to help Erich along his life path. Thank You for Betsy’s presence here, her words of wisdom, her soft spirit. And please bless Andrea’s time with her daughter and grandson. What a gift, thank You for the possibility of it, the blossoming. Continue to bless Mary’s efforts at her school and with her family. What incredible energy she has, and love for You. Keep her flame burning strong. And, Father – envelop Rusty and K with Your love. Strengthen Rusty as he cares for K, I know You are caring for him in this.
Grateful to catch up with my student teacher from a few years ago. Grateful for my air conditioner working well during this muggy summer. I believe it is 19 years old. Grateful for time this morning, to linger.
Thank you Jill
bless you.
Thanks so much Jill!
May God continue to inspire you and bless you abundantly!
Grateful I can connect with the UR daily reflection even when it doesn’t come to my inbox. Thank You, Lord, for the brave prayers from Lou and Jill. Yes, Lord where would we be without You?
Prayers that the rift between members of the church I attend, can and will be mended. It seems long and deep seated. Thankful for the possibility of a job for Erich, it seems to fit many of the things he is looking for at the moment, and will help him make the progress he wants. It’s not certain yet, have to be patient. Thankful for bills paid, resources coming, the car inspected, insurance updated. Thankful to see a black bear mother and two cubs cross the road on their way to Golds Brook on a hot summer day. More beans and our first cherry tomatoes yesterday. Thankful too we have AC to keep us cool and less humid.
Prayers for Joan Duffy with terminal cancer, Bob Jones with thyroid cancer, back and hip problems, and Betty Jones with eye problems. Thankful Arnolds Vilcins and Richard White are doing well after heart surgery and a pacemaker implant respectively.
Prayers for all going back to or involved with a new school year. May it be a safe and productive year. Lord, most definitely You are needed by us all, but I especially lift up Gloria, Marcy, and Julie. May Your peace be with Connie and her husband. Blessings, love, mercy, and grace to all the UR family. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Lord, please help me, mentally and physically. I have been challenged lately and weariness has slowed me down. I thank you, Father, for all You have done for me each day, and for sending loving people my way.
I pray for my church. It is going through tough times. Send a revival.
I feel Your presence. Love, Connie and Amen
Lord, may my faith in your love and providence surpass my fear and worry. May I live within the comfort of your assurances and not my life situation stress.
What lovely prayers from Jill. Prayers for Jill, that her pain and stiffness resolve. Prayers for her upcoming year of teaching. May she impart not just knowledge, but Your love to her students. Prayers for her as she interacts with her parents. Prayers for compassion, understanding and patience. May Gloria choose Your love and Your assurances at this time.
Prayers of gratitude for health insurance which allowed a dentist appointment yesterday and a doctor appointment today to remove stitches.
Prayers for Connie and her husband during this sorrow filled week.
Prayers for Lou. May she know you are with her in her loneliness and that You are watching over her children.
Prayers for Erich’s possible new job. Prayers for Robert and his church community.
Prayers for Marcy and her pain. May she have blessed relief.
Prayers and blessings for and thank you to all of the loving UR family. God bless you all
Dear God, please return my son to life in answer to my prayers. People constantly talk about you answering prayers, especially those that are bold, brave, and seemingly impossible. They say that you are impressed by prayers and that you deliver. Please return my son to me even though he was accidentally killed by murderers who were out to defraud an insurance company and they did not even know he was in the wrong place at the right time. If you do not return him, I suppose that means that I am either not worthy of you, that these people are lying, or that you are a mean being who doesn’t really care. If you really intervene as so many insist that you do, you should do this for me.
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