New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

"A Liturgy for Morning Prayer," Upper Room Worshipbook

Used by permission from the Book of Common Worship, © 2018 Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved. This prayer appears in “A Liturgy for Morning Prayer” in Upper Room Worshipbook.


Today’s Reflection

Note: This week’s New Every Morning reflections are structured differently to follow the format of our featured title, Pauses for Pentecost, which contains 50 days of reflections based on a scripture theme and followed by a daily practice.

When we open our lives to the Holy Spirit, heaven comes to earth, beginning in and with us. The Spirit energizes our bodies, renews our minds, makes our hearts responsive, and gradually transforms our lives. We become aware of the huge difference between walking against the wind and having the wind at our backs. Let us therefore ask the Holy Spirit to blow out the stuffiness and staleness that may be present in our lives right now. Let us also imagine the Wind blowing through our lives, breathing into us a new freshness, cleansing our vision to see more clearly, and empowering us to live as Jesus would if he were in our place.

—Trevor Hudson, Pauses for Pentecost: 50 Words for Easter People (Upper Room Books, 2018)

Today’s Practice

Experiment today with an exercise of the imagination. Sit quietly and in the stillness imagine the Wind of God blowing into every part of your life. What might your life look like?
Join the conversation.

Today’s Scripture

Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
—Acts 2:2 (NIV)

Prayer for the Week

Holy Spirit,
Turn my life into a deep reservoir from which life-giving streams begin to flow toward others around me.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.

Something More

Looking for a music collection that contains new and classic hymns, psalm settings, Taizé music, global songs, liturgies, and prayer songs? The Upper Room Worshipbook is a rich resource for choirs and anyone who wants to enrich their personal devotions. Learn more.

Lectionary Readings

(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)

Day of Pentecost (Sunday, May 23)

Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.


  • Julie Posted May 19, 2021 8:34 am

    Right now I cannot imagine what my life is going to look like, with or without this exercise. I would hope that this would transform me into a shining light that is a beacon to others concerning the Good News and the promise of forgiveness, love and finially communion with the Holy God.
    So yes, h’s decision to drop the pursuit of the agreement of saparation is a wonderful thing. He was trying to keep all of the marital assets for himself. Now we will each receive half. But first my lawyer and I need to determine exactly what those assets are as h has committed numerous acts of subterfuge. I now he lied at the deposition and now both lawyers are aware of this also. Meeting today with my lawyer.
    I believe the woman from Walmart contacted me this morning. I had deleted her number so it came uup as unknown. She left a message but started talking too early and her name was cut off. I will call the number back and ask if it is her. She has not called beccause her mother died and other relatives are in the hospital.
    Prayers for Ally’s new job and for David as he battles depression. This is Marcy’s issue also. Prayers for the child with health issues and his family, may God heal and comfort them. Prayers for Jill and her late tennis nights. Thst is beyond my bedtime also and I, too, would be dragging. Prayers for Lou as she travels. Prayers for Robert who continues to astound me with the breadth of his undertakings. You are writing a children’s book? How do you even begin to do such a thing and get it published? This is a dream of mine but I am flummoxed by the process. Robert, you are amazing! May God bless you and keep you.

  • robert moeller Posted May 19, 2021 12:35 pm

    Erich is writing the children’s book. I think his idea is a good one, other book ideas have popped as well. His temperament, disposition fluctuates repeatedly from + to – As they say in many Korean dramas he needs to “come to his senses”. If he can realize his ideas he’ll be fine, he needs to be more persistent, patient, and concentrated in his effort.
    Acknowledging “h’s” inaccuracies has to be helpful, now to determine assets and equitably divide them. Prayers for Marcy’s depression, she has been carrying a heavy load for a long time.
    Lilac scent wafts through the window. I’m thankful for this delicate smell.
    Then new Korean drama about the long ago practice called bossam, kidnapping widows for widowers to marry, has been interesting. I was totally unfamiliar with it. It’s not something i’m in favor of, but has made a good story.
    Hope school, tennis, golf, and the welfare of Jill and Larry are going well.
    Prayers for Ally and David.
    A catch up, rest day after yesterday’s flurry of activity.
    Breakfast with the pastor on Friday.Blessings to all. Thank You, Lord.

  • Jill Posted May 19, 2021 5:29 pm

    Being open to the Spirit movement, through imagination, through meditation, through stillness. I am talking myself into an open mind as I get ready to go to a summer small group thing at my church. I found out yesterday, the leader of my group is a younger gal who was in my initial group 4 years ago and led my group the year before last. She is great at leading, at fostering conversation and getting each person the opportunity to be heard. There are about 10 of us, from what I can tell from the email. I believe I only recognize one name. I prefer anonymity, but continue to push and stretch myself to be non-introverted with these small groups at church. We are only meeting four times, once each month.
    School is now really beginning to wind down and I have a deep appreciation for it. I even had time to read over the chapter for this evening. Much needed.
    Tennis last night went really well on my court, not so much on the other courts. My partner and I were the only winners. I am coming to the realization what a pleasant thing it is to play and not be in pain or experiencing stiffness. I know it has been at least 8 months and upon further reflection, if I wasn’t in physical pain last summer – my stomach was giving me fits. So I think it has been over a year since I have felt this well. Grateful. I also got the results of my bloodwork back and my thyroid level has gotten “back in the zone” – so the modification to my dosage did the trick.

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