Today’s Reflection
Sometimes life seems completely wrong. A situation we find ourselves in, the turn a job has taken, even relationships with people we thought we knew and loved go wrong. We may ask ourselves, Why is this happening? What did we do to deserve this?
Joseph must have wondered the same thing. He had been awaiting his marriage to Mary, and now he found himself betrayed by his fiancée. But Joseph was a man of grace and decided to quietly divorce Mary. We do not know how long Joseph wrestled with this decision or how long he searched for the best way to handle the situation. . . . Then God’s role in all this was revealed to Joseph through a heavenly messenger. How different the story might have been if Joseph had refused to hear the truth!
—Susan Engle, “When Things Go Wrong,” Light of Lights: Advent Devotions from The Upper Room Daily Devotional Guide, compiled and edited by Robin Pippin (Upper Room Books, 2014)
Today’s Question
What hurts do you need to release to make more room for God’s peace? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
We know that God works all things together for good for the ones who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose.
—Romans 8:28 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
O God, during this season give us eyes to see all around us signs of Christ’s love breaking into the world. Amen. —Prayer by Diane Luton Blum
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Christmastime is not always merry and bright. Whether grieving a recent loss or feeling the sting of an old wound, many people have moments of darkness and sorrow during this season. Join us in praying for those who are hurting or share your own prayer request at The Upper Room Prayer Wall.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Christmas Eve
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1 Comment
I honestly don’t know that I have any hurts. I have questions. But I feel they are healthy questions and that God holds space for them. I think I have gotten to a space…well, the Spirit has gotten me to a space, where I know longer need answers, and I can still just voice the questions in a non-demanding way. I think it is enough to recognize that we were not made for this place, we were made for Heaven, our final destination. There will be trials, troubles, unresolvable occurrences – but we persevere on, in faith, in hope.
Spent the afternoon with my friend and her children. She fixed a very nice lunch, brought out an array of cookies and we watched some football – before heading out for the Christmas Eve service. Her ex met us there, so he could sit with the kids. Just a difficult situation. And tomorrow will be even harder for her, and there is not one thing I can do to lessen her pain. I ache for her. I continue to pray that God will meet her in her grief, anger and despair and continue to carry her.
Merry Christmas to those who gather here. May you all have a blessed day with those whom you share it.
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