Today’s Reflection
The waiting during Advent is a gift we are not to miss, and the best way to avoid missing it is to be present and embody it. To sense it, to live it, to feel it! We can prepare to receive God’s gift of Christ with our whole selves as we wait with God for Christmas. …
Advent prepares us to receive God’s divine gift fully. Are you ready to wait with anticipation as you prepare yourself for Christ this Advent season?
—Whitney R. Simpson, Fully Human, Fully Divine: An Advent Devotional for the Whole Self (Upper Room Books, 2022)
Today’s Question
What will you do this Advent to prepare yourself to receive the gift of Christ? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
But it is for you, O Lord, that I wait;
it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer.
—Psalm 38:15 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
Creator God, thank you for creating my whole self. Help me
to continue to slow down and hope, be mindful and present,
and use my body to draw closer to you on the journey this
Advent. Make me a wise one who seeks you always. Amen.
Prayer by Whitney R. Simpson
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Are you enjoying this week’s reflections? It’s not too late to join us for Fully Human, Fully Divine: An Embodied Advent Online Experience. In this season, we are challenged to live in the “right here, right now” as we await the birth of Christ—the embodiment of God’s presence. Register today here.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
I’m ready to wait. Worship, a book study, decorating the church, our Nativity Scene/ Cookie Walk, Communion by extended table, Carol and Hymn sing, and daily reflections here at The Upper Room are part of my waiting .
Prayers for John Reiss suffering because there is no liver transplant for him. His wife, Lisa, struggles to help.
Finn, a three year old boy with a rare heart problem, is having a hard time eating after his third major surgery.
Thankful that God is always near no matter what. Patient waiting blessings to you all. Advent has begun. Thank You, Lord.
Attend church, attend Bible study, read devotions and connect with other believers here on NEM comment page.
I went to church yesterday and the church is beautifully decorated. We sang Christmas Carol hymns and lit the first Advent wreath. A very encouraging sight was a full parking lot due to many people who were served meals on Thursday choosing to join us. I pray they remain as several had children. Our church also has a cookie walk and I am making ten dozen cookies this week to support the effort.
Wait and hope, study, sing, volunteer, worship, pray, take care of my loved ones, rest when I can. Hope deferred is hard. My spirits are low, but I am thankful to those who have lifted us up.
More silence and quiet music, less electronics and tv. More pauses, more prayers – intentionality. I want my focus to be on the significant things, and let other lessers fall away. I will seek the Spirit’s help with this daily.
A good day at school, lots of little fires put out on the treasurer front. Grateful to have the time to do it.
The cats are racing around like wild things this evening. I am sitting in dim lighting, watching them chase each other recklessly. This, maybe just a hint of taking time for simplicity. I want to bask in simpleness and give my heart time to be still.
Physical therapy was intense today. Hope I don’t pay for it tomorrow. Feeling pretty tired and will head to bed soon. Much of the busy week lies ahead of me. I did find out that my god son’s game Friday evening got a date change. That is welcome news, as I will be ready to do nothing come the end of school on Friday.
Praying for this space during the Advent season. May those who drop by linger a bit longer, resting in His presence. May we wait well this season.
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