Today’s Reflection
Pausing from the busyness of our lives and recognizing the tender humanity of another restores us to our own humanity. The pulse of care and connection within us resuscitates. Our hearts, normally dulled by the day’s burdens, beat freely with love. And the ensuing kindness we extend to others has the power to resuscitate their spirits as well. For compassion not only restores the heart of our own humanity; its healing care makes human once more the heart of another grown hard and cold.
—Frank Rogers Jr. Practicing Compassion (Upper Room Books, 2015)
Today’s Question
What spiritual practice resuscitates the pulse of care and connection in your life? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
—Matthew 11:28-29 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
Lord, open my eyes so that I may see who around me needs compassion.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
The Upper Room is committed to a ministry that is increasingly global, antiracist, and ecumenical. This is the work of discipleship and spiritual formation.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Quiet time here at the UR, Sunday worship, and Communion recharge my heart, mind, and soul.
Another not so warm day, rain from the tropical storm coming tomorrow. Thankful for resources that keep us going, progress with models, negative COVID tests for Anneliese, her family, and friends. I have a test tomorrow in prep for an exam on Wednesday. Prayers for God’s wisdom and common sense with the restart of schools and colleges, preparation for a safely conducted election in November, the health, well-being, and safety of all, a well tested and effective virus vaccine,, and measures to help everyone who needs help economically through the pandemic. Thank You, Lord.
As I spoke of last week, quietly thanking clerks and other workers who assist me or checkout my purchases, refreshes my soul.
YesterdayMegan and I were in a minor accident. As we were coming home from an ice cream outing a man in a pickup truck traveling much faster than the speed limit crossed in front of us. Megan slammed on the brakes but the roads were wet as it had rained off and on all day. The corner of our front bumper collided with the corner of his back driver side. He entered a parking lot and quickly exited from another area and shot down the road. A woman and her husband who were waiting to leave the parking lot stayed and told us they saw everything. They offered to corroborate our story of a hit and run by a speeding motorist. However, the woman tiold us that she had owned a similar jeep and that she had replaced her front bumper and it cost only $50. We chose not to coonact the police or the insurance as Megan’s dad is a mechanic. I thanked the woman and told her that her kindness had turned a bad situation into a warm and reassuring memory.
Prayers for Robert and may his test be negative and his doctor give him a clean bill of health.
Prayers for Jill and Larry and their coontinued study together of God’s word.
Prayers for April and her beautiful descriptions of the minks.
H comes home from a second trip to South Carolina with his “friends” today. I pray I do not get the coronavirus from his folly and disregard.
I echo Robert’s heartfelt prayers.
The spiritual practice which helps me “top up” my compassion is also one which connects me to God when I feel God is far away: Holy Communion. I have been reading about the practice of Communion and how it was viewed by early Christians. The early church viewed the Eucharist as the “real presence” of Christ’s body and blood in the bread and wine. When I take Holy Communion, I feel Christ putting balm on my soul. No matter how out of sorts I feel or what weird place I’m in with God, Communion makes my heart right. It reminds me of the love Christ has for His people. It reminds me that Christ is the Word become flesh, the incarnation of God for those of us who live in skin. It reminds me to be incarnational in my interactions with others and gives me the grace to extend God’s grace to others when i don’t feel like it.
I lift up all who visit here. May they connect with the holy and be transformed. Praising God that your accident was minor, Julie. I pray for your and Megan’s safety when H returns. I pray we all remain safe and find ways to connect with God and others. Be blessed.
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