Today’s Reflection
ONE IMPORTANT REASON that I believe all human beings have the capability to be storytellers is because each of us is stamped with the image of God, who spoke the entire universe into being as a story. God’s story of Creation sets the standard for all stories that have ever been told and will ever be told. The places, people, and objects that make up every story we tell were present in that first story of Creation.
—Michael E. Williams, Spoken into Being: Divine Encounters Through Story (Upper Room Books, 2017)
Today’s Question
What does the story of Creation tell us about how God works? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
“The heavens and the earth and all who live in them were completed. On the sixth day God completed all the work that he had done, and on the seventh day God rested from all the work that he had done. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all the work of creation.”
—Genesis 2:1-3 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
I love to tell the story
For those who know it best
Seem hungering and thirsting
To hear it like the rest.
From “I Love to Tell the Story” by
Katherine Hankey, The United Methodist Hymnal, No. 156
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room or share it in the comment section.
Something More
During Advent we think about a wondrous mystery: that God chose to become human and lived among us. Rediscover The Wondrous Mystery this Advent.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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God is creative, wise, powerful, cares about the details and He’s a great artist cause every thing is beautiful.
What a great God you are!
Blessings to all!
I agree with Mary’s beautiful and succinct words. I would add that God puts much thought into His plans. When he decides to act on His plans He does so methodically and with purpose. He does not try to do too much than is necessary each day and includes breaks and rest.
Prayers for Mary and her beauty that radiates within her posts.
Prayers that BJ gets her fruitcake. Though I would gladly mail her one of mine from my grankmother’s presious recipe.
Prayers for April, Betsy and Lou. Prayers for healing for Andrea, Connie and Marcy.
Prayers for Jill and her sister and the love that is evident in the birthday plans and surprise.
Prayers for Robert and Erich, for continued travel, good health and apple pies. I will be making those as well as many other apple goodies. I plan to teach Megan to make dumplings. We made apple butter yesterday. Will can it today.
Prayers, blessings, warm hugs and thank you for your posts and prayers
God thinks and things happen. Thinking is very fast, a great deal can happen in a short amount of time. The universe we live in could come in a flash, a big bang. Thankful to be a part of God’s creation.
Erich’s paperwork is in, he starts Nov. 5th. He’s done this sort of work before.
Hope it all goes well and he can achieve his goal.
Snow tires, a heat shield re-attached, and winterization for the car this afternoon.
There is so much to God, Thankful for different perspectives from Mary and Julie. I think God thought a lot about creation before actually making it happen. God does only good things and I think God can do them both comprehensively and quickly. Sometimes things do take time and that is very necessary.
Hopeful for healing and resolution for Marcy, Connie, Andrea, Lowell, and Julie. Thankful for the fun times Julie has with Megan. They are very special.
The same is true for the Becky hosted surprise birthday for Jill. We are all who we are. God made us that way, and loves us as we are. As humans we have a hard time remembering and practicing that.
Erich will work at a ski resort, he has very carefully picked the job he has and the weather is in his favor. Hopefully this stepping stone job provides the funds that will enable a job in business management by next spring. He and I get to ski as well.
Blessings to all.
Good morning, UR family! Prayers and blessings on this day. Genesis 1:1 tells us all about God’s creations. “In the beginning” is the commencement of this matter for which I came to the conclusion with.
Our great Father is vastly creative and imaginative. Undeniably powerful, unyieldingly faithful, and compassionately merciful. We bow in humble adoration. Thank You, Father. For Who You are, for how You have created us – no wavering, no doubt, intricately woven. May Your Kingdom come…quickly. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
God is working on my heart. Thank you, UR friends for encouraging me to see the love of my sister. My friends, too, after the party, called it to mind. She loves me, in her own way – and I can control how I show my love. I have so much room for improvement in this area. Please pray for my faithfulness.
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