Today’s Reflection
Many people in this world feel like they are strangers. We may experience this feeling if we are in situations where we have no genuine connections with other people. This sense of disconnect can happen in our places of work, our church communities, and even our homes.
Significantly, Jesus and the New Testament writers emphasize welcoming the stranger. The writer of Hebrews maintains that when we show hospitality to strangers, we may entertain angels unaware. … Not only are we encouraged to make strangers around us feel at home, but we also are reminded that Christ comes close to us when we do.
—Trevor Hudson, Pauses for Lent: 40 Words for 40 Days (Upper Room Books, 2015)
Today’s Question
How have you shown hospitality to a stranger? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.
—Hebrews 13:2 (NIV)
Prayer for the Week
Holy God, as I walk through this Holy Week, help me to remember all that Jesus experienced in the last week of his life. Guide me to remember his greatest sacrifice, and help me as I seek to follow Jesus. Thank you for your great love. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
This Holy Week, join us on Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. (CT), for prayer and worship in The Upper Room Chapel. Also, on Maundy Thursday, we will also release a new video reflection on The Last Supper Woodcarving in honor of The Upper Room Chapel’s 70th Anniversary. Join us on Facebook and YouTube.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
It’s embarrassing. As to a welcoming of a stranger, I recall no recent opportunity. I don’t count being a Greeter at church on Palm Sunday.
I’m with Gail, other than being generous with tipping and befriending servers and those who prepare my food.
I got a lot done yesterday setting up things for the future such as work to be done on the house and a caregiver for h. Felt good to get this done.
While spending time with my friend on Sunday, as we visited a few unique shops and boutiques in German Village – she so easily engages with a stranger, whether it be a worker in a store or another browser. I don’t know that it is “welcoming a stranger”, but she is friendly with great ease. When she “welcomed” me to her team last year – we weren’t strangers, as we had been competitors for several years, as well as fellow captains of our respective teams. But she went out of her way to make me feel comfortable on her team and amongst my new teammates.
I have gotten better at welcoming new attendees to the cancer support group meetings. There are a few of us who keep an eye out for these newcomers. We get them an information card to fill out and get them some materials from which to draw encouragement.
My time with my friend was quite wonderful. My seminar proved beneficial and she very much enjoyed the time with her daughter – they had lunch and did some shopping.
Back at school today, with two more days to go after today. Spring break is nearly at hand.
Dad and Don are arriving Thursday evening, and I will be picking them up as Becky will be at her grandson’s lacrosse game. Dad sounds very excited about coming home.
I read yesterday’s entry and have been pondering about the logs in my eye. As I have had some changes to my vision over the last couple of months, the “log in my eye” metaphor is apropos, because the logs in my eye often keep me from seeing others clearly. I think the biggest of these logs is my tendency to judge and write off those whom I perceive as engaging in willful ignorance. Lord, help me to have compassion and empathy toward all.
Our church takes part in a ministry call Free Fridge. It is a storefront downtown stocked with “grab and go” foods: sandwiches, fresh fruit, and other healthy snacks, bottled water, etc. anyone can stop in and get something, no questions asked. David and I have helped make sandwiches to stock in the Fridge. Our pastor has asked us to take part in an advocacy group of LGBTQ+ community members and allies. This is something we look forward to doing! All of us can feel like strangers at times. Not long ago, there was a person who appeared to be uhoused walking across the dollar store parking lot with his dog. It was a very warm day and the man looked hot and tired. I gave him some Gatorade and water for his dog. It was a spur of the moment thing. Just handed him stuff I had bought. I am thankful for those who have reached out to me when I have felt like a stranger.
Trying to do some house-cleaning before home health comes. Then I plan to work for a couple of hours, then do curbside pickup for groceries.
I’m thankful for my NEM friends and how you welcomed me in this forum with open arms when I arrived 3 years ago yesterday and posted for the first time, asking for prayer for David and me as he fought COVID. Thank you God, for our group here.
May we be welcoming to all who visit here.
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