Today’s Reflection
I GREW UP BELIEVING that salvation was something that happened after the altar call during the singing of “Just as I Am,” when someone prayed for God’s forgiveness and accepted Christ into their lives. I still believe that experience can be part of God’s work of salvation. But there is more.
Salvation is an ongoing work of grace through which I am being released from the suffocating smallness of life turned in on itself to live in the spacious greatness of God’s boundless life and love.
—James A. Harnish
Easter Earthquake: How Resurrection Shakes Our World
From page 35 of Easter Earthquake: How Resurrection Shakes Our World by James A. Harnish. Copyright © 2017 by The Upper Room. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
How is God’s grace opening you to the spacious skies of God’s infinite love? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me in a broad place.
—Psalm 118:5, NRSV
Prayer for the Week
My Saviour God; How great Thou art, how great Thou art.
—from “How Great Thou Art,” words and music by Stuart K. Hine, 1949
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
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Join the online eCourse featuring Easter Earthquake: How Resurrection Shakes Our World A 6-Week Study Exploring How Christ’s Resurrection Shakes Our Assumptions about Ourselves and God. The Upper Room Daily Reflections readers receive a 20% discount when they register here.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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My heart breaks today after the vote at UMC called conference. I too believe that Jesus taught us to love all his children; not to practice exclusion, but inclusion. I pray that the denomination can find a way to heal and move forward here in the US. I’ve loved this church for over 40 years. Lord, May your infinite love shine through this division.
Do those in positions of authority in the Methodist church not listen to their congregants? There is a wide variety of ages and people here, yet all seem to have embraced fully Jesus’s teachings regarding loving all people. Jesus especially went out of His way to associate with those marginalized by society. If He rejected anyone it was the religious leaders who set themselves above others. I am ashamed and no longer consider myself Methodist.
Prayers for Betsy and her recent losses tempered by recent gains.
Prayers for Robert as he continues to plan a move.
Prayers for Mary as she shines God light into her world.
Prayers for Andrea and Lowell, may they be healed and free of pain.
Prayers for Connie, may she be relieved of her emotional burdens.
Prayers for Rusty, may his health continue too improve.
Prayers for Edy and Bill, may the surgery be successful.
Prayers for Lou and her family and April and her family.
Prayers for Jill as she supports Larry and Gloria.
Prayers for Marcy, may she be receiving healthcare.
Prayers and blessings and warm hugs dear UR family
Thanks Julie for all your prayers!
May God bless you abundantly!
Joined a program, “Rolling Good Times”, a strength and balance exercise program to prevent falls for six weeks. Now both my thighs are aching, especially when going up and down e stairs. Went to bed early as today I had a long day teaching.
Grateful for our fitness instructors and the program. Hope it will do me good.
Blessings to all!
May Connie have a speedy recovery!
Hey Mary, we started going to a similar exercise class 2 weeks ago and my thighs were aching too, but now all better….hang in there….I am glad we are going, I feel better after each class.
Thanks April!
Two of my neighbors are there too!
I am a “Methodist Girl” and will always be a “Methodist Girl”. I don’t always agree with all decisions, but I remain steadfast. My trust is in the Lord and His Grace.
Rusty, I had dizziness and had all the tests (nothing found) and it subsided. I hope it stays that way because I am the only driver now. One thing I have done is put cotton in my ears when my hair is shampooed or when water might get in the ears. Good luck to you….Prayers.
Julie, “Sis”, thank you for your prayers. I am doing fine lately. When “lo, the Winter is past” we will all do better!
Thanks Connie. I’m glad yours subsided. The cotton idea is very clever! Thanks for the suggestion.
God’s love is more spacious than any human being, church, or institution. I am thankful for God’s wide-embracing love, so needed by all of us. In these very difficult, divided and contentious times, may I never lose sight of the fact that God’s ways are higher than mine, and higher than any clergy or leader’s. God’s way is love and we are commanded to love one another, we are taught that the truth will set us free. Certainly love and truth are woefully absent in our society.
May we at UR, intent on walking closely with God, and the good people everywhere in this country and worldwide, all continue to strive to follow God’s command faithfully. Prayers for UR friends.
Recently I came across a reading that included this line from the musical Godspell: “Day by day, oh dear Lord, three things I pray: To see thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, follow thee more nearly, day by day.” I pray for Your wisdom to be with all United Methodists as well as all other denominations that we might do Your work today, Dear Lord, in all ways. Blessings.
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