New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

"A Liturgy for Morning Prayer," Upper Room Worshipbook

Used by permission from the Book of Common Worship, © 2018 Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved. This prayer appears in “A Liturgy for Morning Prayer” in Upper Room Worshipbook.


Breakdown, Breakthrough, and the Journey to Wholeness

Junius B. Dotson

Everything was fine…
until it wasn’t.

Reverend Junius B. Dotson was preaching at a funeral when suddenly he realized he wasn’t going to make it through the service. The next thing he knew, he was in an ambulance on the way to the ER, where he was diagnosed with extreme exhaustion. Recalling his own journey through grief, depression, burnout, and emotional breakdown, Dotson is passionate about calling for a Soul Reset for pastors, church leaders, and all disciples of Jesus Christ.

This 6-week study is for anyone who moves at breakneck speed through their daily lives, often relying only on their own strength to bring God’s kingdom on earth. Jesus shows us a different way—an easier, unforced rhythm of what kingdom living looks like. It’s a balance of work, rest, play, worship, exercise, and eating well —spiritual practices that keep our souls hydrated and healthy as we do the work of the church in the world. Soul Reset: Breakdown, Breakthrough, and the Journey to Wholeness also includes companion resources that can be used for a churchwide study, including: downloadable video sessions; DVD; age-level discussion guides for children, youth, and adults; sermon starters, and an eCourse.

Soul Reset is a call for the church and all of Jesus’ disciples to reset and reorder their lives around spiritual practices, to learn to walk through our difficult seasons with our souls connected to the source of Living Water so that we don’t burn out or break down. And if we do burn out or break down, we learn to lift one another up and point one another back to Jesus.

Use Soul Reset as a churchwide worship experience.

Companion Resources are available at The Upper Room Bookstore and Cokesbury.

Companion Resources
Participant’s Book

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Adult Group Guide PDF

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Youth Group Guide PDF

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Children’s Group Guide PDF

Bookstore.UpperRoom.org Cokesbury.com

Sermon Starters PDF

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About the Author

A nationally recognized leader, speaker, and author on evangelism and church revitalization, the Rev. Junius B. Dotson served as the general secretary (CEO) of Discipleship Ministries, an international agency of The United Methodist Church, from July 2016 until his death in February 2021. He is the author of Soul Reset: Breakdown, Breakthrough, and the Journey to Wholeness, Developing an Intentional Discipleship System: A Guide for Congregations, and Engaging Your Community: A Guide to Seeing All the People. Before coming to Discipleship Ministries, Dotson served as senior pastor of Saint Mark United Methodist Church in Wichita, Kansas for 14 years. He was instrumental in transforming the 3,500-member church into a multicampus congregation.

Junius Dotson invites me—invites you—to be vulnerable by “being vulnerable.” He confirms, through his own personal journey, that it is only when the emotional level is engaged that spiritual growth, personal growth, or “reset” have a chance. He provides a great process for each of us, especially through a small group—an emotional-spiritual walk worth taking.

Rev. Bill SelbyPresident/Center Mentor, Center for Pastoral Effectiveness of the Rockies, Highlands Ranch, CO

We all long to be honest, genuine, and faithful people. With refreshing honesty, Dotson skillfully and vulnerably points us in the right direction. This book really spoke to me. It will speak to you too.

Adam HamiltonAuthor of The Walk: Five Essential Practices of the Christian Life

Junius Dotson is an amazing man of God. I love the heart that he has for God’s people all over the world. Jesus told us to go into all the world and make disciples. Junius is spending his life giving everything he has to all those who will listen and learn how to make disciples for the cause of Christ. I pray that healing will come to many through Junius’s journey to wholeness.

CeCe WinansGRAMMY Award®-winning gospel artist

True leaders aren’t perfect; they’re transparent. Junius’s personal story compels us to be open about our struggles as we build mighty organizations full of people who can make a difference in this world. This book may change the way you lead.

Hannah Paramore BreenFounder, Paramore Digital, Nashville, TN

Every leader and every believer needs a copy of Soul Reset. It’s the type of book that needs to be an annual read to help us realign our hearts for life and ministry. In the fast-paced culture of today, this book provides a fresh reminder of what’s most important.

Bryan CarterSenior Pastor, Concord Church, Dallas, TX

This is not just another book on church leadership or discipleship. Junius Dotson’s courageous, honest storytelling approach will make you look at your own life and find hope for what is ahead. That’s what it did for me. You need to read this book!

Jacob ArmstrongPastor, Providence United Methodist Church, Mt. Juliet, TN

Hitting the reset button may be exactly what our souls need, but it’s a scary step to take. Fortunately, Junius Dotson has already been down that path, and he invites us to take the journey in a way that is authentic and inspiring.

Mike BonemConsultant, coach, and author of Thriving in the Second Chair

Junius Dotson invites me—invites you—to be vulnerable by “being vulnerable.” He confirms, through his own personal journey, that it is only when the emotional level is engaged that spiritual growth, personal growth, or “reset” have a chance. He provides a great process for each of us, especially through a small group—an emotional-spiritual walk worth taking.

Rev. Bill SelbyPresident/Center Mentor, Center for Pastoral Effectiveness of the Rockies, Highlands Ranch, CO

We all long to be honest, genuine, and faithful people. With refreshing honesty, Dotson skillfully and vulnerably points us in the right direction. This book really spoke to me. It will speak to you too.

Adam HamiltonAuthor of The Walk: Five Essential Practices of the Christian Life

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