Today’s Reflection
The more scientists discover about the world in which we live and the organization of different forms of life, the more it becomes clear that the generosity and abundance with which God’s creation is endowed is a far cry from the meanness of chance, utility and accident. It is now realized that the conditions in which our universe came into being were so extraordinary that, but for split-second timing, it would not have been possible for it to have developed the way it has. The intricacy of the organization of nature speaks of a profound design and mind behind it. There is care at every stage and every step of the creative process. Each new creation follows on from the next, is dependent on the rest of creation.
—Barbara Wood, quoted in Sam Hamilton-Poore, Earth Gospel: A Guide to Prayer for God’s Creation (Upper Room Books, 2009)
Today’s Question
How do you respond to God’s profound design in nature? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!
“For who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has been his counselor?”
“Or who has given a gift to him,
to receive a gift in return?”
For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever. Amen.
—Romans 11:33-36 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
Creator Spirit:
As the earth,
so beautiful, so warm,
receives and reflects the sunlight,
so may I receive and reflect your love.
—Sam Hamilton-Poore, Earth Gospel
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Palm/Passion Sunday
Liturgy of the Palms
Liturgy of the Passion
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It is beyond imagination how God created the earth, solar system, universe, and everything we have been able to discover and still are discovering How all of this happened is still a question we ask . Even the longest human lifetime can not see or comprehend it all. Thank You, Lord for the glimpse you have given us.
Prayers for continued progress toward the purchase of a single family house and the move needed to occupy it. Lord guide us with Your wisdom. Thank You, Lord. Help frustration become confidence since every step so far has followed the plan. We are getting ready to visit the Poconos.
Prayers, blessings, encouragement, and hope to Ally&David, Julie, Jill. April, and Lou as we approach Palm Sunday. Thank You, Lord.
Wonder and awe are my responses. The unfathonable differences and the sheer multitude of creatures and organisms. Trulu too great for the human mind to know.
Spent a lovely day by myself running errands. Church in the morning with communion and Bible Study. Many errands and some that were self indulgent which is so very new to me. Some good things came through the divorce proceedings. Still glad it was ultimately averted, but my life is definitely better.
Prayers for improved health and finances for Ally and David, for a good review for Jill, and for a single family house for Robert.
My response is exactly the same as Julie’s…awe and wonder. I am profoundly stunned when I go to an uninhabited area on a hike and take in the sounds with my eyes closed. The intricacies of the sounds of all the creatures. Even better if by a brook or small stream. What God does with the sky is pretty incredible too – the colors with which he works. I try to pause when the colors are dazzling, and have a moment of gratitude and acknowledgement.
My review went so incredibly well. The assistant principal was very complimentary and I shared with her my experience from 5 years ago. She couldn’t say enough nice things. It is nice to be acknowledged for the work I do with my students.
Finally caught up, for the time being, on my schoolwork. Sought out some insight for an autistic student in my program, who is really struggling in my class. A special ed teacher spent a decent amount of time and gave me a strategy or two to begin with.
The beauty of creation reminds me of our Creator and increases my faith that Creator God has a plan for us, His children. As God’s children, we are stewards of what God has created. Only a big God could create such beauty and still be our Universal Parent.
I have an exam for disability 4/22. Please lift this up to the Lord. I am very nervous. My friend helped me update my resume and tomorrow, I’m going to apply for some remote positions. I feel David needs me at home and working from home is what I am capable of right now. We have reached critical mass in our finances and I don’t want to count on my disability claim being approved. Our counseling sessions are going well. We have made progress in a couple of areas: David is comfortable enough to meet with our pastor on his own and we are working on a mission statement: what we want to accomplish and development of action steps to meet our goals. Pray for us, as we have severe weather forecast for tomorrow with possible tornadoes. Having experienced both Super Outbreaks in 1974 and 2011, I’m a little nervous.
Robert, prayers for your trip to the Poconos and for a single family house. Julie, glad to hear you got to enjoy some alone time and praise for the good things which came out of the divorce proceedings. Prayers for healing continue.
Jill, so glad to hear your review went well. Congratulations! Thank you for caring about your student with autism. I feel confident you will find a way for them to be successful. praying Roger’s diet is helping his blood sugar stay stable.
I pray for the people of Ukraine, their president, and for democracy to prevail.
Blessings and love to all.
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