Today’s Reflection
Note: This week’s New Every Morning includes daily practices (instead of reflection questions) to follow the format of our featured title, Pauses for Pentecost, which offers 50 days of reflections based on a scripture theme and followed by a spiritual practice
Today is the day of Pentecost! You may want to read through the second chapter of Acts again. On that day the disciples receive God’s power from above. It is a power that enables them to go out and out-live, out-think, and out-love the ancient world. They receive something extra, something new, something they did not have before. They receive power in their hearts. The flames of fire and the sound of wind are just outward signs that the Holy Spirit has been given to them. They receive what all of us desperately need: the Spirit of God filling us and helping us overcome the evil within and around us.
—Trevor Hudson, Pauses for Pentecost: 50 Words for Easter People (Upper Room Books, 2017)
Today’s Practice
Consider worshiping today with God’s people . . . to celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit.
—Trevor Hudson, Pauses for Pentecost
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Today’s Scripture
When the day of Pentecost came, [the apostles] were all together in one place.
—Acts 2:1 (NIV)
Prayer for the Week
Holy Spirit, turn my life into a deep reservoir from which life-giving streams begin to flow toward others around me. Amen.
—Adapted from Trevor Hudson, Pauses for Pentecost
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
The Upper Room Chaplains’ Ministry campaign is currently underway. Each year, between Memorial Day and July 31, The Upper Room raises awareness about and funds for this donor-led outreach ministry, which distributes more than 270,000 copies of The Upper Room daily devotional guide annually to military, VA hospital, and prison chaplains. Support this ministry by giving today.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Day of Pentecost (Sunday, June 5)
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
Prayers for all of Gods people today – especially those here at the UR. May God send the Holy Spirit to rest upon each of us here today- next week begins our outdoor worship season by the lake which I love and will be attending but today I am traveling home from a long weekend in NYC with my youngest child and what a whirlwind it has been- oh the energy of youth! We left her aprtment around 10am each day and didn’t return back until around 8pm each night – on the go for sure, enjoying all of the sites and excitement of the Big Apple…. She wanted to really show me her city – previous visits have either been consumed with school activities or moving so this visit was purely for fun. I was happy to see many of her friends and roommates and treat them to dinners, etc. we have had a very good time together although this mom is very tired and won’t have much recovery before a busy work week begins. I am so thankful to be able to spend time with her, with my oldest daughter a few weeks ago, and to be able to help my son move last weekend. Thankful to be a part of all of their lives and to enjoy time spent with them. Prayers for safe and easy travel home today. I am up early and cannot sleep. I caught up on all of the concerns listed here- you are all in my prayers very early this morning on this Pentecost Sunday. My prayers for you all in your joys and sorrows.
Lou, how fun to read of your connections with each of your children!! There is nothing like one-on-one bonding with each….even/especially as adults 😊 Prayers for safe travels for you and strength for the week ahead.
This week’s messages have been powerful messages to me in only one word….room, wind, fire, tongues, ask, and now Pentecost. So much wisdom, insight, meaning I have attained from narrowing it down to one word. I can relate to less is more when it comes to teaching/learning with others… may I remember this when I am communicating with others.
“Holy Spirit, turn my life into a deep reservoir from which life-giving streams begin to flow toward others around me. Amen.” Adapted from Trevor Hudson
Thank you all for your prayers for us this week. Yesterday was a good day and I hope the start of the upward path to health. I am amazed at the healing power of sleep/nutrition/exercise in small doses. We also had FaceTime chats yesterday with little ones to spark our day. We are grateful!!
Robert, I pray for you and your decisions. Julie, I pray for your health, relationships with Megan and h, and decisions. Ally, I pray for your “day of new employment” tomorrow and your and David’s health. Jill, I give you a high five for another year of excellent teaching as well as the situations in your life with family, school, friends. Rick and Scott, I pray for the decisions you are making. For all in our New Every Morning Family, please know you are prayed for. The choir at our church service today sang “All are Welcome”. It was very moving for me as we celebrate Pentecost. Blessings to all.
Took part in worship. We sang some of my favorites and pastor brought a great message. He discussed spiritual practices to use to connect with God, asking Holy Spirit to lead. Our Sunday School class is studying Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans. The book approaches connecting with God through the sacraments as means of grace. Very insightful and I highly recommend. Had lunch at a local Vietnamese restaurant and home for a little rest. getting ready to help a friend who moved who moved this weekend, unpack some boxes. I officially start my new part-time gig tomorrow. So excited!
Lou, what a wonderful time you had. Some of my most treasured times were visits from my mama and daddy. glad you are home safe. April, All Are Welcome is a favorite of mine. Thanks so much to you both for your prayers. Know that I lift up my NEM family each day. Love to you all.
It was good to be in the House of the Lord today – worshiping and learning with His people.
I have come to realize, from personal experience, that God has a sense of humor. Or at least a twinkle in His eye. I have heard others say this…but not until recently have I come to know it experientially. The tennis team member who lost her mom, with calling hours last Monday – we have never really been that close. I have always viewed her very critically, with little compassion. Well, she is hurting deeply from losing her mom. It is very raw right now. I made a comment to her yesterday when we parted, as she is trying to grapple with all the various aspects of grief – anticipated and unforeseen – I told her that I am still having dreams of mom, three years +. I woke up this morning to a text from her…she wanted to know what my mom says to me in my dreams. But my dreams are not like that, they are more activities, as opposed to specific conversations. I texted that to her and told her I would call her later. I reached out this afternoon – and we had a very nice conversation. I told her about my experience with counseling. My grief experience is very different from hers, yet there is space there to walk along side her. I have been asking God, trying to wait patiently, for someone I can accompany, either a cancer care giver, or someone who has lost a loved one. Never, in a zillion years, could I have anticipated this potential bond. Now, maybe it will be short lived. But – anyway – right now I am here, ready to support her in any way I can.
The 91st birthday party last evening for my dad’s cousin was wonderful!! I was able to visit with some of my second cousins and their children. I haven’t seen them in years. It used to be a tradition that on Christmas Eve that side of the family would be together. But after my grandmother passed some 25 years ago – our “branch” of the family tree was not included. My cousins got married and moved away and now have children. It was wonderful. Dad was very happy. We vowed to get together again…a cookout later in the summer would be wonderful. We will see if it happens. We need to treasure these moments we have with everyone, especially those over 80 – of which there 7 there last night.
Lou – wonderful to hear of your time with your children. Ally – best of luck with your job beginning tomorrow. April – may you continue to draw strength from God and His Word as you continue in your care-giving roll.
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