Today’s Reflection
We have all experienced confusion amid chaos. As on a moonless night at the ocean’s edge, it’s impossible to distinguish depth or boundaries. Where does one expanse end and the other begin? But God spoke order into being: “Let there be light,” and there was. So it is in our lives too.
—J. Dana Trent, The Upper Room Disciplines 2021: A Book of Daily Devotions (Upper Room Books, 2020)
Today’s Question
What helps you trust that God will create order and shine light in your life? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.
—Genesis 1:1-3 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.*
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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*Used by permission from the Book of Common Worship, © 2018 Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved.
His faithfulness in the past, even when I was unaware. The presence of the Holy Spirit – assures me that The Word is full of promises, for me – here and now. How He has transformed my life, I know He walks with me into the future, unknown to me, but mapped out intentionally by Him.
Julie, I am asking God to shower you with the grace of His presence, to sustain you through the turbulence of your mother’s fall, the issuance of the divorce papers and the road ahead. May you find Him sufficient.
I believe this week is supposed to be a lovely, Fall week. Temperatures creeping up a bit each day. Dad and I hope to golf this upcoming weekend.
Experience of God’s help and presence tell me that God is creating order and shining light in my life? I may not always understand God’s work, but believe it is always for the best.
Yes, Julie,I ask God’s guidance, peace, and healing to you, your mother, and Megan through the coming days.
Similar weather here, a renewed effort to hike to Champney Falls enjoying God’s creation this week, thankful for Communion yesterday, Face Time with Jenny – her college classmate passed away from breast cancer – she and many others had a rough time. Three young children without their mom. Apple picking with her own children helped Jenny. My first tailgate fellowship was good, got to see and talk to people I don’t usually see. There’s progress collecting funds to fix the church heating problem. Thank You, Lord.
Praying for Jenny and her friend’s family. May all feel God’s comfort.
Today’s reading is a great comfort to me, as it reminds me that even though it feels that everything is disordered and in chaos, that God is the author of order and our light in the darkness. 2 scriptures come to mind: Psalm 8, in which the Psalmist expresses wonder at the majesty and beauty of creation and our place in creation as humans. God ordered it so and though humans are a tiny part of this creation. God sees us. Isaiah 9:2 reminds us that God is our light; that though we have been walking in darkness, God is sending Christ to be our light. Despite the craziness of the times we live in. we can rest in Jesus. I am so human and resting in Jesus is sometimes hard for me. This is where I am today.
David and I had a nice little getaway; just not long enough. Please continue to pray for him. The pressure sore on his back is worse, despite the treatment. His anxiety has increased and he broke down Saturday night from frustration with this and other issues he is still experiencing due to C-19. I confess I have been bitter about this the last few days. That my sweetheart continues to suffer and the resources available to the powerful were not available to him: that we had to fight to get him tested. That he could not be admitted to hospital until he was critical. Yes, I am bitter. Please pray that I can surrender this to God and be gracious. I am not right now. Prayers also for a dear friend and her small children as she tries to leave a a toxic relationship.
Jill, thank you for the reminder that God walks with us into the future. I too am thankful for the beautiful fall weather. Robert, prayers for Jenny as she mourns the loss of her friend. I pray she feels God’s comfort in a tangible way. Glad you got to take part in Communion yesterday. We celebrated at home while listening to my sister’s church’s service and celebration of holy communion. Julie, I was sort of out of the loop over the weekend and am so sorry to hear of your mom’s fall. Praising God that her surgery went well and praying for recovery at home. I pray that you will feel God’s peace as you deal with being served with divorce papers. I’m thankful for the blessing of your conversation with your brother. I pray for all our regulars, that we all feel God’ presence beside us as we face crazy, uncertain days. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayers. Be blessed.
Praying for you and David. I understand your anger and I lift it and you to God. we are human and he understands. Prayers for David for his physical and mental well being.
This is difficult for me to see now in the midst of so much chaos. I’m going to trust Jill and Robert and their words as well as their prayers.
The repair man is coming this morning to see if he can fix the freezer. I was hoping h would be gone by them but it seems not. So added stress. Mom will probably go to a nursing home for rehab and she is worried.
Prayers for Jill and Larry, may they get to golf this weekend. They are forecasting nice weather for the weekend, but of course that could change.
Prayers for Robert and his safety as he hikes, may he reach the falls.
Prayers, thank you for your prayers and be well
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