Today’s Reflection
Unlock the doors of fear and doubt.
Let your faith spill into the streets!
Jesus is risen!
Death has no more claims on your life.
In life, in death, in life after death, Christ is your life.
Peace be with you.
—Safiyah Fosua, “Open the Door,” in The Africana Worship Book (Year C), edited by Valerie Bridgeman Davis and Safiyah Fosua (Discipleship Resources, 2008)
Today’s Question
How do you think the disciples felt when Jesus first appeared to them after his resurrection?
Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”
—John 20:19 (NIV)
Prayer for the Week
Abba, Help us to see beyond ourselves,
and see you in ALL of the world.
It is because of your goodness and
in response to your grace
that I pray . . . Amen.
—Prayer excerpted from Ray C. Jordan, “Help Me to See You” (Psalm 42), in The Africana Worship Book (Year C)
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
“God is the source of liberation but enlists us, God’s disciples, as a resource to accomplish this purpose,” Terrell L. McTyer writes in his reflection on liberation for the Upper Room Ministries Blog.
Read more here.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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I think the disciples had a range of emotions when Christ appeared amongst them. Surprise, uneasiness, and fear at first, but then gratitude, calm, and reassurance. Christ was alive, resurrected., and with them. Thankfully through BELIEF Christ is with us as well. Glad for a safe and successful trip to the Poconos to retrieve important items from storage. It took only a few minutes to pick them up, but the drive down and back was longer than expected. Gas was expensive, thankful for funds to make the trip possible. Now to rest up, plan, and work toward the goal of a single family home. Thank You, Lord.
Yes, fear, and we know doubt also from the scriptures but also awe and bewilderment. Never before had such a momentous occurence been witnessed.
Today I have my first therapy session. I do not know what will be discussed but I know I need to work on my stress as well as how to be more involved with my community. I would like to volunteer but after Covid many organizations are still not accepting volunteers.
Prayers for Ally and David, may God provide for them and ease their health issues. Prayers for April and her loved one, for provisions of compassion and strength. Prayers for Jill and her family and Roger as the vet continues to update his insulin dose. Prayers for Lou and her family, may her health improve. Prayers for Rick and Scott. Prayers of gratitude for safe travel for Robert and Erich and prayers for Robert’s church laity as they work together for the good of the church and their community.
The “New Every Morning” opening prayer allows me to say – and feel – “You’re here, Lord, you’re here!” which I’m fairly certain I’d whisper and then loudly proclaim mid-hug on seeing my Lord again. Thanks for that every morning. It is reality sublime for a sinner like me. ~bonnie
Utter awe, so much that one would possibly lose control over bodily functions. That would have been me. Then – sheer joy. Rapturous elation. I would run into His arms.
So very very warm here. It was 77 at 7:15 this morning – so I quickly got outdoors for a short run. It is luxurious to be home this morning. I have done some cooking, taken a nap and paid some bills. I have to run out for a blood draw and also a dentist appointment this afternoon. Have to swing by school for the second day in a row to do some treasurer work.
Trying to keep my flowers well watered and seems like constantly pulling weeds from my flower beds. A labor of love, really. But – wow, do those weeds sprout up out of nowhere.
I wonder. Would they have fallen to their knees, fainted, or be jaw-dropping speechless? I hope my faith would stretch enough that I would believe my eyes. Thank You Lord, for Your presence with us. Thanks to all for your prayers for us. Know I’m praying for you.
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