Today’s Reflection
We are invited to turn to God — to turn ourselves over to God — and to see what happens. The rain will fall, and it will go into the earth. The earth will produce bounty. Trees will grow where there were thorns, myrtle where there had been briars. We may feel lost at times. We may find ourselves in exile. Still we can trust God; nothing is wasted.
—Jane Herring, One Day I Wrote Back: Interacting with Scripture Through Creative Writing (Upper Room Books, 2015)
Today’s Question
What do you need to turn over to God? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
“Cast your burden on the LORD—
he will support you!
God will never let the righteous be shaken!”
—Psalm 55:22 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
Holy Spirit, open my imagination and allow me to find a safe space within to explore myself and your holy Word. Amen. [prayer from One Day I Wrote Back by Jane Herring]
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Everyone has a story to tell. Share yours by writing for The Upper Room daily devotional guide. Read more about how to write a meditation from Acquisitions Editor Andrew Garland Breeden here.
Lectionary Readings
- 1 Kings 8:(1,6,10-11), 22-30, 41-43
- Psalm 84
- Ephesians 6:10-20
- John 6:56-69
Read the lectionary texts courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library here.
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
I am trying to completely surrender my current frustrations regarding my health to Him. I am so very emotional about it. The last few weeks have shown that neither surgery was successful and I seem to be at a dead end. I tried a last ditch effort with an injection this past Friday on one side and Tuesday on the other. Perhaps in another week I will see improvement. But – if not, I am taking a step back. Two years of chasing answers, trusting doctors, so many hours of physical therapy – and there has been no improvement. I am too weary mentally to get a second opinion, to put trust in a doctor and an outcome. I was so very confident in my surgeon initially. Now I feel overlooked, just a number in an assembly line. I can’t enter that environment again. I have always trusted doctors, but this has changed that. I am looking forward to the routine of school, getting back into a rhythm. I need that mentally.
I know very well how much tennis means to you, you have given it your all. As much as the greats of the game. You deserve a lot of credit for that effort. Hope you find solace in the return of s routine you can surely handle extremely well.
I turn over lost and lonely feelings to God knowing that bno one knows me better and is with me always. Thank You, Lord
An adventure camping with the Willa, Oona, and Chris yesterday at a beautiful NY state park. All back home safe and sound. Thanhk You, Lord.
Home to Conway NH tomorrow.
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