Today’s Reflection
If you like John Grisham novels or Court TV, you will love these final chapters [of Acts]. Paul stands trial before three different authorities before making his way to Rome to be heard by Caesar himself. These final chapters also tell the story of how Jesus’ witnesses carry his message from Jerusalem to the very “ends of the earth” in those days—throughout the known world from Jerusalem to Rome—and how the Jewish sect becomes an important and influential presence within the vast and powerful Roman empire and the entire world. Thirty years is all it takes. The world would never be the same.
—Linda Tower Pevey, We Are the Church . . . Let’s Act Like It: A Study on the Book of Acts (Upper Room Books, 2019)
Today’s Question
In what ways does your church work to transform your community? In what ways might you help transform the world?
Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
When they saw the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated and ordinary men, they were amazed and recognized them as companions of Jesus.
—Acts 4:13 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
God, help us be the church you created us to be. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Do you hunger for a deeper spiritual experience? Join the next Two-Year Academy for Spiritual Formation, starting in January 2023, at Camp McDowell in Nauvoo, Alabama. Learn more.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
One small act of kindness at a time.
I baked banana bread yesterday to give to friends. I placed the loaves in plastic zip top freezer bags and then put them on the dining room table. I came down today to one on the floor with the bag chewed through and some bits of the bread scattered in the package because they actually chewed through the bag. Ah the joys of teething kittens. I knew they chewed shopping bags but this is a new feat. At least it was just one.
Prayers for Ally and David, for health and financial improvements. Prayers for Jill as she support her friends. Prayers for Robert as he begins certification training to become a lay minister.
I like what Julie said – yes, one small act of kindness at a time. See a need, meet a need. Be ready to act out of Christ-like love.
Dad and I have a tee time for this afternoon. Supposed to be relatively cloudy, as rain is moving in for tomorrow. I don’t mind not being in the sun, not putting on sunblock. Should be an enjoyable afternoon.
My friend and I had our coffee while we chatted on the phone this morning. She and her sisters will have a celebration of life service for their mom on Friday evening…for family and a few friends. She is at peace with this, and knows it will be good for her sisters. She sounded fairly relaxed this morning. This week has been filled with people stopping by her house to express their condolences. She is never one to rush a conversation, so I know the visits were long and loving. Her eldest daughter at home is still being quite attentive and asking about family traditions and desiring to keep the memory and spirit of her grandmother alive.
It is interesting that this week’s readings and topics have touched upon some things our church is trying, such as our pastor’s new sermon series, Come As You Are , which invites us to come to Jesus in our brokenness. We are also starting a thing called Self-Care Sessions, in which various leaders will discuss aspects of self care. This is open to the community. Our hope is in the aftermath of the pandemic, we can offer ways to cope with our emotions and issues which arose during that time. David and I have been seeking God for a couple of months about how our gifts can edify our church.
David’s progress with therapy is picking up again. He did really well using a cane for a few steps yesterday with PT. Did well with getting himself up out of a dining room chair. Today, we are visiting his best friend to watch the Georgia game.
Robert, prayers continue for your church, that laity leadership will prove fruitful. Julie, prayers for you as you take steps to keep H safe. Jeremy can open cabinets and likes to drag the bread out, tear open the bag, and eat the top off the bread. Felines are a joy 😊. Jill, prayers for you as you begin your school year and for your friends who are facing trials. Praying that your family is well. I’m glad the Rich Mullins songs was a blessing. It has been to me this week as well, a dear friend passed away.
Thanks to our NEM family for your prayers for us. I lift up the Ukrainian people, efforts to save our planet from global warming, those who are poor and victims of injustice. May Justice flow like a mighty river and freedom from tyranny prevail.
Prayers also for our kitty family, especially our seniors and their health issues. Bless you all.
At the moment CCUMC is working hard just to keep worship, Bible study, and Friday fellowship going. We donate to causes both in the “valley “ and through the conference. With some of us taking Lay Servants classes and our worship team and SPRC leader soon to be our acting lay pastor hopefully a slow but productive growth will result.
Pearl will go after bread just as Julie’s kitties have done. That was a new and unexpected feat for any cat we’ve had..
Such a delight to read posts from the dear NEM family. Wonderful progress for David, glad to hear about Jill’s friend’s response to the passing of her mother, that there is family support and of course Jill’s friendship. She and Larry continue to golf. Serena’s effort was amazing. Yes, she has accomplished a lot and has much to look forward too. Prayers for ALL care givers and the recipients of their care. I’m very thankful to have had that experience. Very tough and times, but giving is better than receiving.
Continuing to make progress with our plan to save for another attempt at moving to the Poconos. Thankful that as we do this we have a roof over our heads, the car is in great shape, and there’s food on the table.
Medical expenses are being met, fillings replaced and new glasses. A certain steam locomotive still runs and there’s a railroad historical society convention this month. Communion with a guest pastor tomorrow.
Thank you all for your prayers, you remain in mine. Thank You, Lord.
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