Today’s Reflection
The magi acted upon the information they had. They went on a quest, trusting that they had interpreted the signs rightly and that God would lead them to the right place. Trust remains key to their journey. . . . I imagine that they wanted to quit often, and yet they held on to the greater vision that encouraged them through daily hardships.
—George H. Donigian, In Days to Come: From Advent to Epiphany (Upper Room Books, 2017)
Today’s Question
What is the greater vision that encourages you during hard times? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Those who know your name trust you because you have not abandoned any who seek you, LORD.
—Psalm 9:10 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
—”A Liturgy for Morning Prayer,” The Upper Room Worshipbook
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
The Upper Room extends warm wishes for a blessed Christmas season and a new year filled with hope, joy, peace, and love — gifts that only Jesus can give. You can serve as a tangible reminder of these gifts by giving to The Upper Room. Your tax-deductible gift, no matter the size, will impact lives around the world. Give today.
Lectionary Readings
New Year’s Day
- Ecclesiastes 3:1-13
- Psalm 8
- Revelation 21:1-6a
- Matthew 25:31-46
Read the lectionary texts courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library here.
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I don’t know about a vision, experience is what sustains me. Twice God’s presence was made known to me. Thank You, Lord. Ever present, with abundant love, mercy, and grace God is with everyone. My prayer is that everyone accepts God and the blessings God bestows. Those who know your name trust you because you have not abandoned any who seek you, LORD.
—Psalm 9:10 (CEB) God is with you always.
If the writer here is asking about “the big picture”, then I might reference Philippians 3:14: focus on the goal, which is to follow God’s call in order to know Christ and grow in Christ. I feel dark times are coming. Focusing on Christ and Christ as the ultimate prize, while helping others navigate through, may be what gets us all through. Once in a time of deep despair, I felt the Lord’s presence in a tangible way, as the Lord sent help and pulled me out of the miry pit and gave me a firm place to stand.
Quiet day here. Cooking the traditional southern meal for good luck in the New Year: black-eyed peas collard greens. Will also have pork roast, sweet potatoes, and cornbread. The peas are for luck, the greens for good finances. I pray we prosper in this New Year: growing in grace and compassion. May we preserve the things of true value. Love to all who visit here.
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