Today’s Reflection
My initial and lingering assumptions and hesitations about interfaith relationships began to shatter. Immersion into a religious tradition different from my own did not convert me, mix me up, or derail me. Rather, it launched my Christian reformation—a recommitment to my baptism, my call, and my choices.
—J. Dana Trent, Saffon Cross: The Unlikely Story of How a Christian Minister Married a Hindu Monk (Fresh Air Books, 2013)
Today’s Question
Consider the hesitations you’ve had about interfaith relationships. Who or what has challenged those assumptions? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
From one person God created every human nation to live on the whole earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands. God made the nations so they would seek him, perhaps even reach out to him and find him. In fact, God isn’t far away from any of us.
—Acts 17:26-27 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
In your infinitude, O God, you humble me. As I strive to better understand you, help me recognize this striving in others. Your presence is revealed in so many beautiful ways. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
During the 40 days of Lent, beloved author Beth Richardson invites us to make space for the Holy One in the wilderness of our lives. With daily reflections and weekly spiritual practices, Walking in the Wilderness provides a spiritual feast for readers during one of the more challenging seasons of the year. Get your copy for only $10 (33% off) with promo code WWLENT.
Lectionary Readings
- Jeremiah 1:4-10
- Psalm 71:1-6
- 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
- Luke 4:21-30
Read the lectionary texts courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library here.
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
1 Comment
The closest I’ve come to interfaith relationships are protestant- catholic. or protestant-jewish. While challenges exist, relationships are quite possible. Soo Ok and I faced some challenges in our bi-racial marriage, but Christian faith was not one of them. Thank You, Lord
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