Words of Hope During COVID-19
Claire McKeever-Burgett, Associate Director of The Academy for Spiritual Formation at The Upper Room, invites us to turn the simple act of handwashing into a sacrament of healing and hope. Our hands are extensions of our hearts, she says. Join her in praying this Blessing of the Hands—through this prayer you will bless your own hands and the hands of many others.
Today’s Reflection
Jesus longed for the love and for the sight of his heavenly Father, because his identification with God was so complete, so enveloping, so formative that it eclipsed his own will. As close as a thought to its utterance; inspiration to imagination; idea to word, the One in whose image Jesus was born and formed and pre-imagined; the One whom Jesus found so thoroughly and identified with so firmly that he was able to declare, “If you know me, you will know my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” (John 14:7)
—Rosalind C Hughes, A Family Like Mine: Biblical Stories of Love, Loss, and Longing (Upper Room Books, 2020)
Today’s Question
How does Jesus’ close identification with the Heavenly Parent inspire you? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me; because I live, you also will live. On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.
—John 14:19-20 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
God, who is both Father and Mother, I give thanks for your unconditional love, protection, and guidance.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
God is near, even when we are socially distant from nearly everyone else. Register for Creating a Life with God, a free eCourse led by author and Academy for Spiritual Formation faculty member Dan Wolpert.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
How Our Saviour longed to be in communion with His Father, to bring Him glory and usher in His Kingdom. It was His breath, His life, His daily sustenance – intricately linked to His Father. I think of John 15 – the Vine. To be so dependent on Him – this is what He desires of us. To truly abide, so near. What an example Christ has set for us, given to us.
So, what does that look like for us now, in our isolation? It seems that all this time – I don’t know quite what to do with it. My mind wanders, I am undisciplined, the hours pass. It seems like the hours and days ahead are endless and so I have no sense of urgency to accomplish anything now.
This week is my “spring break”. And, here it is, already Thursday. On the other hand…it is…only Thursday. Today, I will seek to be more resourceful with my time, getting back on track. My lazy, slothful mind can be a battleground, or worse yet, just a playground. May I be mindful of Christ’s simple mind set – near the Father, glorifying Him. May my use of time today be glorifying to Him.
Have had a hard time typing, keyboard issues, yesterday and today. Copy & paste works! We know Jesus by faith alone. The disciples saw and touched Him. Still knowing Jesus helps us know the Father.
Washing hands, enjoyed that, has to be done filled with the Spirit, not the way the Pharisees did it.
Thankful Ally and Dave are improving, Dave had he virus, but Ally was also affected.
Prayers for the family at Jill’s school who lost a husband and a dad.
Glad to read a post from Julie. Miss word from many.
Stay home, wash hands, pray, and be creative and safe. Thank You, Lord
My first thought was that Jesus wants us to identify with Him just as closely as He did with God. Jesus provided an image we as humans could relate to and His words recorded by the Apostles provided insights into His true character. Jesus invites us to identify with Him and therby identifying with His Father.
Prayers for Jill, Larry, Becky and family, her students and Dan’s family, may all be safe and well. May Jill feel more productive today.
Prayers for Robert, may he be safe and well and may his keyboard issues be resolved soon. Robert you only need to check the posts again later in the day or first thing in the morning as most people have been postingg daily.
Prayers for Ally and David, may both contiue to have better, brighter days.
Prayers for BJ and her mom, may they be safe and well and may God bless them both for their devout faith and shining lights.
Prayers for Andrea, April, Lou, and Rick, Larry and their families and loved ones, may all be safe and healthy.
Prayers and thank you and may all be safe and well dear UR
Jesus the Christ is our human to God our Father connection. To me it is just that simple. There is just a perceivable huge gap between God and humans without Jesus. I can see God the Father with, and in Jesus, so it is real for me and everyone else.
I grew up in a wonderful family. I not only had parents who loved and cherished their children, but a close network of extended family: grandparents, aunts and uncles who are like second parents, cousins who are like other siblings. Through life experiences, I have discovered that family includes friends who are not blood kin. These relationships are a foretaste of heaven. Having a godly father and mother who modeled God’s love for us surely helped me understand a little better the relationship we have with God. It helps me model God’s love for others, especially those for whom a loving earthly family is an unknown thing. Thank you to all who have prayed for David and me. He is progressing and is no longer on the ventilator. He is very weak and best case scenario is another week in ICU. This is a marathon and we covet your prayers. My quarantine period is over and I return to work tomorrow. Blessings to you all.
The handwashing blessing was very touching to me this morning. All the times we wash our hands, use our hands to “talk”, and express emotions…yes indeed they are an extension of our heart. thank you UR for this meaningful video to add to the others you have shared.
Jesus’s examples of turning to His Heavenly Father inspire me to do that too. I love the Psalm 56 vs 3: when I am afraid, I will trust in God. I have googled it online and there are so many reflections, songs, pictures, visuals to support this verse. I have changed the word afraid to sad, happy, unsure and continue to end with I will trust in God….confident trust.
I hold you all in my prayers, dear UR family.
Blessings and welcome to R. Martin and any other new posters.
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