New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

"A Liturgy for Morning Prayer," Upper Room Worshipbook

Used by permission from the Book of Common Worship, © 2018 Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved. This prayer appears in “A Liturgy for Morning Prayer” in Upper Room Worshipbook.

Today’s Reflection

EVEN THOUGH my conversion took place over forty years ago, I continue to find pieces of hard stone in my heart. There are still moments when I forget God and want to be at the center, to be in control, to handle matters in my own way. Often I get discouraged by these struggles to love unselfishly those close to me. But I have learned to return to Christ who never gives up on me. I keep myself open to his spirit, confess my failure to love, and continue to trust that God will complete the heart transplant that was begun in me long ago. And, through all of this, my love for God has deepened and grown more than I can describe.

—Trevor Hudson
Holy Spirit Here and Now

From page 40 of Holy Spirit Here and Now by Trevor Hudson. Copyright © 2013 by The Upper Room. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.

Today’s Question

How do you need the Holy Spirit to touch your heart at this moment?  Share your thoughts.

Today’s Scripture

I will give them one heart, and put a new spirit within them; I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh.
—Ezekial 11:19, NRSV

Prayer for the Week

by the light of the Holy Spirit
you have taught the hearts of your faithful.
In the same Spirit
help us to relish what is right
and always rejoice in your consolation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
From A Book of Prayers © 1982, ICEL. All rights reserved.

Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.

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(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)

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  • robert moeller Posted June 6, 2019 6:53 am

    After watching a Methodist New England Town Meeting on line last night I need the Holy Spirit to guide me and all UMs as we search for the path God wants us to take with regard to the sexuality issues that have us divided. I hear both sides desire for unity even when we disagree. Prayers are much needed

    Thankful for the tranquility of knowing the closing on the condo is coming. Agreement on the 17th as the date has everyone satisfied. Thank You, Lord.

    Had a different, but wonderful birthday yesterday, a good walk, progress preparing for the move, many messages, a great dinner, and yummy chocolate. May my joy be your joy as well.

    Need to make a serious effort to go back to reflections and read dear UR family comments, posting first has the disadvantage of missing them.
    The Lord is with you. Thank You, Lord.

    • Andrea Posted June 6, 2019 2:26 pm

      Happy birthday, Robert. God bless you, Erich and Anneliese.

    • Marcy Posted June 6, 2019 5:51 pm

      Robert, Happy Happy belated and blessed Birthday to you! Thank you for the Spirit-filled wisdom that you so freely share with us! Thank you for sharing our love of all things trains; you are much more knowledgeable than I, which is a double blessing. I, too am having a hard time posting, but I ALWAYS read and am so thrilled for you and Erich, as he pursues his dream job! I keep you, Erich, Annaliese, Pearl (kitties generally don’t like moving, but then they love to explore), your daughter and her family, and the grandchildren, in my prayers AND praises! God is so good! Please get plenty of help and pace yourself during the move, Robert! Sending Love to you!

  • Betsy Posted June 6, 2019 7:00 am

    This illustration of a piece of stone in the heart is so perfect. I have felt this way many times, often in my interactions with my brother. Wanting to blame him for his misdeeds and the outcome of his health issues (poor diet, drinking, irresponsible behavior). I want to take control instead of turning to God for strength. Help me, Lord, be filled with the Holy Spirit as I maneuver our way forward in helping Bud with grace and compassion.

    It is a beautiful cool morning here, with a small break from the heat and humidity. My prayers include Mary, as you continue to lovingly care for you father. It was a blessing that you and your family were all close by when his breathing became erratic. Continued grace for strength and stamina in the days ahead. Also, prayers for those who are traveling; Jill and her dad, Robert and Erich, as they face a move and transition to a New place. Blessings for Lou and her daughter, Julie, Connie, and Andrea. Bathe all in your love, Lord.

    • Marcy Posted June 6, 2019 6:03 pm

      Betsy, I will add Bud to my prayers when I pray daily for you. I have a similar situation with my older sister, who has had substance abuse problems for fifty if her seventy years! God must have a plan for her; otherwise she would not still be with us.

      I am praising God for your joy in Harrison! Children were not “in the cards” for me and I think it was for the best, considering what and who my husband turned out to be! Harrison is a blessing straight from God! I join you in your prayers for all you named. I keep you, Grace, and all your family in my prayers! Sending Love to you!

  • Julie Posted June 6, 2019 7:41 am

    Yes, a heart transplant, that is a fitting metaphor for the manner with which one’s heart is changed by Christ. The old hurt and resentment and ways of thinking and acting are replaced by His ways. But as the author describes remnants of my old heart remain, because I am human. I need God to transform my heart that is worried and scared and tries to rely on my own self to find a way in the wilderness.
    Prayers for continued smooth plans for Robert and Erich’s move and happy belated birthday Robert. Prayers of thanks for a wonderful day for you and the gift of you to all who know you.
    Prayers for Betsy and her family as they deal with oppressive heat.
    Prayers for Mary and her family, may God be with them and especially her father. May He ease her father’s breathing and stregthen and sustain the family.
    Prayers for Safe travels for Jill and Larry and Lou and her daughter.
    Prayers for renewed health for Andrea and Lowell, Connie and Marcy.
    Prayers, blessings, warm hugs and thank you dear UR family

    • Mary Ng Shwu Ling Posted June 6, 2019 11:35 am

      Thanks Betsy and Julie!

      Happy birthday Robert!

      Spent the day and part of the night at the hospital with dad. Grateful for all the doctors, nurses, therapists and other staff at the hospital.

      May the Holy Spirit grant us strength and guidance!


      • Marcy Posted June 6, 2019 6:46 pm

        Sweet sister Mary, I am praying for you, your sister and especially your Dad. You are a wonderful daughter! You took such good care of your Mom before she went Home to heaven to be with our Loving Father. You express God’s Love in your words and actions each day! Even though I am unable to type much, please know that I will continue to pray for you each day! Sending prayers and Love to you, Mary!

        • Mary Ng Shwu Ling Posted June 7, 2019 12:42 am

          Thanks dear Marcy!

          May God’s presence be so close to you and meet your every need. May He surround you and your sister with His love and peace!


  • Connie Posted June 6, 2019 8:38 am

    Yes, I need a Summer thaw on my Winter stone-cold heart. I have had to protect myself and that was a way to do it-not a good way, but a temporary fix none the less.
    Happy Birthday to Robert….and many more!

    • Marcy Posted June 6, 2019 6:39 pm

      Connie, you remain in my prayers! Yes, the hardening of a heart is sometimes a means of survival! I haven’t lost like you have, dear sister, and can’t imagine the pain. And yet, there is still the Joy of God in your words! I love how your short, sweet posts spark joy in our hearts: garden scenes, animals in the yard, the sunrise and sunsets you write. Thank you for these, Connie! Sending Love to you!

  • Marcy Posted June 6, 2019 6:29 pm

    Dearest Julie, I’ve missed commenting here so much! I pray for you, Megan, Chai and Tazzie (thank You, Lord, for our little kitties), and some days I pray multiple times throughout the day for you, my dear sister! I remember, like it was yesterday, the fear and trepidation that nearly each day of my marriage that totally encompassed my life. He saw a vulnerable person and manipulated me so subtly and slowly! All of a sudden, it seemed, I was in the cage with no safe escape. I won’t mislead you. It has been hard, since the chains were broken, but, Oh! The sweet relief of not having to fear for my life or for the lives of my then-still-living parents, other family, church members and and Bible study group friends! I pray that you can extract yourself from this marriage, as soon as possible!

    Thank you, Julie, for keeping me in prayer by name each day! Your prayers are a balm for my beaten body and I can feel God’s Love, comfort, strength and the power to persevere through them! Just in a few words! God is amazing! Thank you for welcoming me in my early days here and may I be an encourager, once again, to you and all of our siblings and friends in the UR Reflections! I am sending my deepest Love and affection to you, Julie! (((Hugs)))

  • Marcy Posted June 6, 2019 7:59 pm

    Love and Peace to you, my UR Reflections siblings and friends! I must have hit the wrong reply button when responding to you, Julie. We all read all comments, I know; still, it bothers me when I do that!

    Oh, I need the Holy Spirit to break through the hardened spots in my heart! They took some time to form; will it take as long to rid myself if them? This very day, I am at my wit’s end! Is the reason I’m hitting the wall due to those spots that won’t dissolve? How long will it take for my ENTIRE heart to be softened, so the Holy Spirit do God’s work through me? How can I serve the Lord with hands and feet that don’t function? I am praying at all times of the day and sleepless nights for those in pain and being oppressed and I study the Bible until my eyes give out; I need to be out spreading the Word! Guide me, Holy Spirit, as I listen intently for Your answer!

    I am requesting prayers for a multitude of so many overwhelming health issues.

    The problems with my hands and fingers, also include my arms and the inability to hold on to things, and has affected everything I do. I can’t feel my fingertips at all anymore, coordination is off and vision still affected. Everything from holding silverware to carrying a Bible to brushing teeth, etc. I drop everything. My back and neck also require certain positions to do mundane tasks. I am still awaiting a laptop which will help so much, I pray.

    Please pray for me, as tomorrow I am going to try to get to Pulmonary therapy, as it’s been sketchy due to illnesses. Afterwards, I have an oxygen testing to see how much the saturation drops when exerting myself. As I’ve been terribly fatigued lately, pray that I make it through. It lasts one hour. 
    Monday is the prep for Tuesday’s colonoscopy; with new and concerning problems, had to go to the ER again because of this, just this week. 
    Botox is being considered for migraines, but no approval from insurance yet. I am leary of this with my reactions to medications, but willing to try anything at this point.

    Pulmonary, orthopedic, infectious disease, ENT specialist concerning mouth, jaw, septum and hearing issues, RA doctor, all upcoming soon.

    I have to wait until September for the electromyography (EMG) test for possible muscle or nerve disease or damage. I am on a waiting list. I’ve been notified that this is a painful test, with several days needed to recuperate. The neurosurgeon isn’t scheduled until August, but he can’t do a proper workup for C-spine surgery until he gets the results from the EMG. Meanwhile, I’m physically going downhill at a rapid pace. My entire body is in constant pain, trouble walking, lifting limbs, loss of use of hands, vision affected.

    HUD has increased rents on all subsidized housing, regardless of those of us with disabilities. I can no longer live on what I receive from SSI, and Mercy Housing will be increasing rent again in the fall. My oxygen concentrator and A/C make my utility bill too high, the car needs work and gas and doing the laundry costs $80 monthly. Lucy needs to see the vet; she tore a toenail deeply into the pad of her paw and has a condition that is causing her to lose her teeth. That is being paid for, thank You Lord. I’d rather suffer a month of migraines than see her hurting, and I mean that!

    I am thankful for my helper, Mary, and she helped when I moved to the first floor apartment, which brought pain to her. She still wants to assist in all the boxes to be gone through, but I don’t want her hurting either. Helpers are not supposed to do that work and I don’t want to lose that benefit.

    I sing praises to the Lord God Almighty—my hours with her were increased by a lot, due to the absence of family and able-bodied people in my life.

    I have also been able to attend church three Sundays in a row! Praise God! It takes all the energy I can muster, which God Himself supplies. Our congregation has dwindled so much since I was able to attend regularly. It feels so good to hear the sermons, enjoy the fellowship the congregation and sing (the best I can) hymns and praises to the Father, Abba and Jesus Christ, while replenishing my spirit with strength, courage and healing prayers through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

    Thank you all for “listening!” I continue to keep Jill, Larry, Becky, and Roger in my prayers. I am praying for Andrea and Lowell, Father Edwin, Lou, Francesca, Edy and her son, Darr, Gerri, Rusty and K, Pam, Louise, Ami, April, Joan, Chloe and Paige, Jean, Gail, Carol and Robin, all who read without commenting, all who are new and welcomed, and all who no longer visit.

    And these three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love, and the greatest of these is LOVE!

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