New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

"A Liturgy for Morning Prayer," Upper Room Worshipbook

Used by permission from the Book of Common Worship, © 2018 Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved. This prayer appears in “A Liturgy for Morning Prayer” in Upper Room Worshipbook.


Words of Hope During COVID-19

Sharon Conley Cottingham, an Upper Room staff person who is caregiver for her adult sister, tells how she is extending care to her sister from a distance.

Today’s Reflection

The good news is that God is more eager to forgive us than we will ever know. God is always there to embrace us, to receive us home again, and to let us start afresh. We see this clearly in the way Jesus constantly offers forgiveness to those around him who have failed.

One reason we struggle to forgive others is that we do not really believe that we are forgiven people. If we could fully accept the truth that we are forgiven and we don’t have to live in shame and guilt, we would know the freedom to forgive. As a forgiven people, we possess the power of forgiveness.

—Trevor Hudson, Pauses for Lent: 40 Words for 40 Days (Upper Room Books, 2015)

Today’s Question

Can you accept the truth that you are forgiven? Join the conversation.

Today’s Scripture

When he saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven you.”
—Luke 5:20 (NRSV)

Prayer for the Week

Our Father, who is in heaven, give me the bread I need today.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.

Something More

How do we stay centered in the midst of fears, grief, and stress? Here are some resources to help you keep—or create—spiritual wellness and wholeness in the midst of anxiety and stress.

Lectionary Readings

(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)

Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.


  • Jill Posted March 28, 2020 5:40 am

    Oh, yes – what glorious truth. Thank You, Heavenly Father – for Your vast forgiveness, reaching out to a wretch like me. Yes, we must extend forgiveness to others, even when the wound is deep, fresh and constantly re-opened. Lead us, Father.
    Not bragging at all, but deeply grateful for the faithful prayers offered here as I wrestle with technology. I cleared a super high hurdle yesterday – creating my first video – with the help of Screencastify and displaying my lesson using webwhiteboard. Writing with a mouse – there is a lot of room for improvement. But, with my voice in the background, my students should be able to read my mouse scribbles. I finally feel like I accomplished something at the end of the day yesterday and am not spurred on to make another video, either today or tomorrow for a different class. As usual, my angst didn’t need to be as high as it was. And the freedom from it now is uplifting. I shared my small victory with the chemistry teacher and we are going to meet on-line so I can show him how to do it – as he is wrestling with many of the same issues/concerns as he uses so many different symbols and drawings in his class notes.
    Julie – may God hem you and Megan in, keeping the virus at bay from your household and the third person from interacting with you. I pray you will be able to “be still and know”.
    Walked with the friend from my neighborhood who I used to volunteer with in the young moms group. She, being a cancer survivor, is also isolated like me…no stores, no one in/out of her house – other than her husband and daughter.
    I noticed last evening, as I grabbed my mail – the forsythia plant my small group got me last year in mom’s remembrance is beginning to bloom. As is the hyacinth and tulip – the friend I walked with yesterday – brought to me the day after mom passed. Blooming right in rhythm with mom’s last days a year ago. I didn’t expect to be moved, but I was. I don’t know how I missed the forsythia prior in the day – but there it was with its yellow buds sprouting. The friend I walked with – she lost her mom about 5 weeks prior to my mom passing. Much of our walk yesterday was spent talking about that, how our moms would have been dealing with this isolation, how grateful we didn’t have to deal with this issue one year ago. We both commented we would pray for those who are facing this now.
    Oh Father – hear our cries. Yes, of course You do. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

  • robert moeller Posted March 28, 2020 7:04 am

    Yes, I believe I am forgiven and will be forgiven again. Faith enables forgiveness.
    The dates when Dad, Mom, and Soo Ok passed as well as their birthdays come to mind every year.
    Prayers for the safety of everyone as the virus is everywhere. Prayers for those with additional health concerns, on mission trips, with already tenuous means of support and well-being, or supporting family members young and old. Lord we need you everyday no matter what the circumstances. Thankful You are present always.

  • Bj Posted March 28, 2020 7:18 am

    Good morning, the UR family! Praying that all is well. Prayers for those affected in the myraid ways of the coronavirus. But yet, God is still in control. Pray for your family, friends, neighbors and neighborhood. Pray for those mourning the loss of a loved one. Pray for one another daily. Romans 15:13(kjv) reads, “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” Lord, help me to accept the things that I cannot change. Lord, You got all power. While praying at night before sleep, I say, Lord, forgive me for the wrong I have done today. “Forgive me for the hurt and pain that I have done to someone today. Forgive me for the wrong and the harm I have done to someone today.” He knows our heart and our thoughts. Remember, day by day, our timing is in God’s hand. By the way y’all, I have been unable to find more hand sanitizer nor clorox wipes. But, as of Wednesday, I bought baby wipes and filled the the container with the 70% alcohol. Any alcohol over 65% is good. I am very pleased wiping down door knobs and other items with this less expensive product. I have always kept hand sanitizer at home and in the car beforehand. No matter what, I pray that we continue to trust God and keep the faith and He will see us through. I love y’all and have a blessed day!

  • Andrea Posted March 28, 2020 7:27 am

    I also believe I am forgiven, and loved.

    Jill, I pray with gratitude to hear have gotten the technology to work for you. I can imagine the number of hours you are putting in on this, and God bless you for the help you are giving your colleague.

    I delivered a quilt to my nephew-in-law in St. Paul. My niece, R, is working twelve hour days in a pharmacy and I ask for your prayers for her. I felt my eyes tear and my throat tighten, to see my nephew-in-law and fear for my niece.

    I worked in the public health field for over 25 years and so my mind has been working overtime in this crisis. I pray to be better able to refresh myself mentally. Lowell and I are taking long walks and eating simple, healthy meals. I give thanks for his steady, warm faithfulness. We are sheltering in place now in Minnesota. My daughter and I discussed all of us sheltering in place together, but the glitch is their dog and cat. I have significant allergies and another “underlying condition” (a buzz term lately), and it would not work to have two pets in our house nearly 24/7.

    Prayers for dear UR friends and those for whom you pray, and prayers for UR visitors who stop by. May you stay well. “Be still and know that I am God.” Wishing all a blessed day.

  • Bj Posted March 28, 2020 7:28 am

    As now, all is entitle to that $1200. It is known that if you are behind on child support, you dont. Those make over a certain amount of, get a portion. Even the homeless that got a SS number is entitled to this. Whether SSI or no income, it is yours to get. Those with no income needs to sign in. Direct deposit is the quick way to get it per spoke person. I am grateful for what ever I get.

  • Julie Posted March 28, 2020 8:52 am

    I believe that I am forgiven. But I hesitate to forgive some, not because of a lack of faith in my forgiveness, but because of a belief that by forgiving I am allowing for more pain and deceit to be metted out by the sinner.
    Prayers of thankfulness for answered prayers for Jill! It was wonderful to hear of your success and ability to aid others.
    Prayers for Robert as he continues to shelter for safety, may he continue to enjoy Zoom fellowship.
    Prayers for BJ, for her faith which shines a light against the darkness and her sharing of information which shimes a liight also. May she be blessed and remain safe.
    Prayers for Andrea and Lowell as they support one another. Prayers for niece, may she remain safe as she interacts with the public and may she find rest.
    I have two more days of h being home. Megan and I will be going to the store today and I will lookk for alcohol per BJ’s helpful suggestion. Thank you kind sister. My nerves are raw.
    Prayers and thank you UR

    • Bj Posted March 28, 2020 10:00 am

      Calm down, Julie! You are search a caring person. “Lord, able me to forgive those who cause me hurt or pain, those who wrong me and try to harm me.” He already know, He just want to hear us say something to Him. Well, there is peace in Jesus’ name. Julie, try a drugs store.

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