Today’s Reflection
Conflict can drive us to fear and to acting as if God does not exist, but conflict can also drive us to our knees, to faith. In my experience, conflict can help me understand, like nothing else, my dependence on something beyond myself, and my interdependence with others—in short, my need for assistance from God and neighbor. In conflict, I learn to depend on the resources and power of the Spirit in new ways. Conflict opens me up to know God in fresh and powerful ways. The more I work with conflict the more I am aware that this is where God is most fully present.
—Thomas Porter, The Spirit and Art of Conflict Transformation: Creating a Culture of Justpeace (Upper Room Books, 2010)
Today’s Question
How does conflict remind you of your dependence on God? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.
—Romans 8:26 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love.
(From the Peace Prayer of Saint Francis)
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Walk in spiritual wisdom with Barbara Brown Taylor, Richard Morgan, Chanequa Walker-Barnes, and Peter Wallace—just some of the writers featured in The Upper Room Disciplines 2023: A Book of Daily Devotions. Learn more.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
Glad later in the day on Sunday to read a post from Jill. A lot going on there. Glad her friend is healing from
the loss of her mother. Great to have a close knit family and a good friend for support. I’m delighted Jill had such a great golf score . A variety of sports enjoyed there: golf, tennis, and football I’m with you, Jill, reluctant to eat in restaurants, concerned for your Dad.
All 5 Lay Servant participants have to commit to not missing a class or the class will be canceled! Hope that works out.
Yes, conflict brings me closer to God, who gets me through the tough spots
Haven’t taught since the 2006-7 school year, but this time of year brings back memories. Prayers for everyone involved with education. The last two and a half years have been grueling with Covid and gun violence . The future is in education, it requires our full and thorough support. Teach the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Prayers for care givers and recipients. If it’s full of love and compassion, tough as it may be, God’s will is being
done. Thank You, Lord.
It is only through God that I can begin to forgive, because I am forgiven. It is only because of his guidance and Word that I know how to resolve conflicts in a loving manner.
I spent the day on my own yesterday which is refreshing and relaxing. We had a member of the church who is a retired pastor as the leader as our pstor is mentoring a new pastor. He is unable to concescrate the elements yet so our pastor was with him yesterday.
Prayers for Ally, may the Lord provide all that she needs for today. Prayers for Jill and her family as they gather together. Prayers for Robert, may all of the potential participants make the necessary commitment to the lay servant training classes.
Conflict reminds me I am not in control and that I shouldn’t desire control. This then centers me on the One Who knows all, sees all and is present with me. And, for those circumstances in my life when I am in control, I must wield it appropriately, carefully.
Wet, dreary day here. Dad enjoyed the time with his siblings and niece. I grilled out the brats and such while he visited. The tennis was on the entire time, so I was able to enjoy that while visiting. My sister has entrusted her house plants to me – to keep them alive while they are in Florida. A big ask. Have never had plants, due to Roger and my previous cat.
The rain subsided this evening, long enough for me to get a walk in. Also had a zoom with one of my students, whom I am working with on his project. Gonna take in a bit more tennis before calling it a day.
Ally – praying for you, sister. This reading today talks about our dependence on Him and our interdependence with others. I pray you will be supported in tangible ways. I will be praying for you and David from afar.
How does conflict remind you of your dependence on God?
Conflict often leads me to feelings of frustration and indeed, not being in control. Then I realize that I need God’s help. The other day I came across this simple exercise in my devotions. When you feel frustrated, make a fist, then slowly open your hand to let your frustration go and open to God’s Mercy. I tried that and it truly made me feel better…I am dependent on God and He is always there to help.
Ally, I had the same experience of having my loved one fall out of bed. I felt like such a failure, but thankfully no broken bones and we have moved on. I am praying for you….whatever it is you need, may it be supplied to you in full and even more.
Lou, I pray that things are going well for you and your Mother and brother. So glad you can work from any location.
Julie, it is good to hear that you had a good day yesterday. May more come your way.
Robert, what a dedicated group you are to take up the studies before you. May all go as planned.
Jill, I pray that your school year will be one of great learning for the students as you lead them with your excellent teaching skills!!
I enjoyed reading what other churches are doing. We are doing the same with food and others. A different one is called Mirror Image. They distribute personal hygiene products to the students so that they feel better by looking better…shampoo, deodorant, acne soap, etc. Yes, we are the church in large and small ways when we meet the needs of others.
Blessings dear NEM family. We are hanging in here and covet your prayers. The sky was a beautiful blue today and I felt Christ lightening my way. Shalom.
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