Today’s Reflection
Where are you? God longs to be in one-on-one conversation with us. And so God takes the initiative in coming toward us and asking this question. Think about this for a moment. We are not starting the conversation with God from scratch. God has already begun it. We just need to plug into the conversation that is already going on. One way for us to do this is to respond to this question.
—Trevor Hudson, Questions God Asks Us (Upper Room Books, 2008)
Today’s Question
If God asked, “Where are you?” how would you answer? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
The LORD God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?”
—Genesis 3:9 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
God, help me hear what you are asking of me.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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I am walking right beside God, in thought, in prayer, in my responses and in watching how He is working in the world. Though there is much disruption, pain, uncertainty (the list goes on), we can be absolutely sure of at least on thing: God is with us every step of the way.
Good day UR family and friends. Julie, you and Megan are on my heart and I’m praying fervently for your home situation. Chai and tazzie were in my prayers last night and in my prayers each day:
“Heavenly Father, our ties with another species is a wonderful and special gift from You. We now ask you to grant our special companions Your Fatherly care and healing power to take away any suffering they have. They have trust in us as we have in You; our souls and theirs are on this earth together to give one another friendship, affection, and caring. Take our heartfelt prayers and and fill Your ill or suffering animals with healing Light and strength to overcome any weakness of body they have.
(Mention the names of the pets needing prayers.)
Grant our prayer through the intercession of the good Saint- Francis of Assisi, who honored You through all Your creatures. Give him the power to watch over our pets and animal friends until they are safely with you in eternity, where we someday hope to join them in giving You honor forever. Amen.
Prayers for Jill and Larry, Ally and David, Lou, April, Robert, Rick, Andrea, Connie and all who visit here currently or in the past. Prayers for all in the BALCONY and beyond. Sending prayers and good wishes anchored in God’s Love to all!

I am here, I desire to be present – but oh how my mind wanders. Tether me to You, Father. I praise You for desiring such intimacy, continue to transform my heart so that my greatest longing is You.
Father – I pray Your continued protection over our country. May those in power guard this nation, and promote the sanctity of life and equality, for all. May we indeed be “one nation under God”. In Your great mercy, hear our cries. And for those who come here – the needs are many – Father, Comforter – be near. Give us this day, our daily bread – and may we be content.
I am reaching out to you, Lord, seeking you in my need and my weakness. I am longing to abide in you and for you to strengthen me and fill me with your peace. The title of tooday’s UR Devotional was “I trust you,” and I long to have this level of trust.
Prayers for Marcy, may her swelling and pain abate and may she receive medical care sooner. Thank you for your heartfelt prayers for me, Megan and Chai and Tazzie. Chai is not as hungry today and I am concerned that the remission may be brief. I am considering calling the animal hospice.
Prayers for Jill and her family and I add my prayers to hers for our country.
Prayers for Rick, his husband and LC. Lord, I pray LC continues to do well and I pray Rick’s equilibrium returns following his move and upheavel of class and everything going on currently.
Prayers for April, Andrea, Ally and David, BJ, Lou, and Robert.
I confronted h, telling him I know about the forged document and that I know who did it. This was the first time I revealed that I know the woman’s name. He left the house shortly thereafter and went to their house and was there from 11:30am to 9 pm. I think they are frightened. I called my lawyer and left a message.
Prayers, thank you and good health dear UR, one and all
Good morning, all. Good to be back! Where am I? I wish I knew. I know God is with me, wherever I am, even when God seems far away. Each morning, I pray, “Lord, make me aware of Your Presence”. As God is faithful, God does make me aware. God supplies what I need for the day. I also ask God to draw me closer. My dad always said that Christianity is not a religion: it is a relationship with a Living Lord. I’m thankful that our Savior lives and is with us all the time!
David was discharged from the hospital and is much better. He says his breathing is good: no problems. He is on a diuretic to keep him from going into fluid overload and an antibiotic to address any pneumonia. Doctors are not certain he has true congestive heart failure or if it is caused by pneumonia due to his lungs not being fully healed. We are still praying for complete physical healing with return to previous level of functioning for David.
Marcy, I pray you feel some relief from your pain and swelling. I also pray your Lucy Lou is doing well. I too pray novenas, and have prayed this one to St. Francis for my fur babies. Praying novenas help me maintain spiritual disciplines. Jill, I thank God for your honesty in sharing your struggles. Glad you have connected with friends, support groups, and are remaining active. Thank you for using your gifts as a teacher. I am glad you have Roger to keep you company. Julie, I lift up your situation with h and know you are seeking God’s wisdom. Know that I am praying too, as you seek answers. I admire your strength and resiliance. Know that I am praying for you as seek best care for little Chai. I pray he eats well today and feels the love you , Megan, and sweet Tazzie have for him. Prayers also for Tazzie, as I know feels sad about her buddy. Praying she stays well. Rick, I too feel such sadness and heartsickness over the murder of Mr. Floyd. I pray that all believers will work for peace and justice in our world and work to rid the sin of racism from our hearts. I pray you find your center after your move and am thankful that you and your husband have each other and LC. April, thank you for your prayers! May God give you what you need today. Lifting up all our other family members. Lord, cleans our hearts and heal our world. Amen.
I am here Lord, holding fast to my hope in you. My mind wanders so, wanting to control outcomes that only You can lord. My wanting to control is the manifestation of fear of the unknown. Leaving our home, family, church family and support groups in the midst of a Covid world, where it has challenged our ability to have those treasured social interactions. The world seems different. We so need this change from racial inequality for our Brothers and Sisters who have been marginalized and oppressed for far too long. It is good to be uncomfortable and it is where we find growth. Psalm 23, came to my mind while writing this, lead me beside the still waters Lord. Thank you all for your prayers. I’m holding all of you in mine. Marcy I pray you are well and Lucy Lou is doing well. Julie, that had to be difficult confronting h, praise God! I am praying that Chai turns a corner. I pray for you and Megan during this time of sadness and for strength. Ally, I’m happy to hear that David is back home again. I pray that he continues on the road to recovery. I pray too, that you are well and are taking care of yourself. You are a huge source of strength to me these few months. Thank you UR and for all those that read and stop by, May the light of Christ shine Brightly on you.
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