Today’s Reflection
Christian life is thoroughly communal, for being in Christ means that we are in it together unto death and beyond.
—W. Paul Jones, Becoming Who God Wants You to Be (Upper Room Books, 2013)
Today’s Question
In what ways does your local church provide the kind of belonging for which you yearn? How can the church offer this belonging to those outside its walls? [questions from Becoming Who God Wants You to Be by W. Paul Jones]
Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
There is no longer Jew or Greek; there is no longer slave or free; there is no longer male and female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.
—Galatians 3:28 (NRSVUE)
Prayer for the Week
In my brokenness, O God, you gather me in your infinite love. Guide me to serve others without reservation and in ways that reflect your grace. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
The Academy for Spiritual Formation creates transformative space for people to be in communion with God, self, others, and creation for the sake of the world. The Two-Year Academy invites you to embark on a journey of prayer, study, worship, and holy conversation beginning November 2025. Learn more here.
Lectionary Readings
- Isaiah 62:1-5
- Psalm 36:5-10
- 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
- John 2:1-11
Read the lectionary texts courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library here.
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
There are opportunities to serve, I’m asked to lead. Outreach, as much as we do with a very small congregation, is more difficult, we are remembered for past activities, but that hasn’t resulted in many more members. Thankfully, there are some young people attending worship.. I’m thankful that there is this church. Thank You, Lord.
My church is so very welcoming. Small groups for Bible study were such a refuge for me when I first came to this church. God’s timing was perfect – as I got enmeshed in a group and they were such support when mom and dad both received cancer diagnoses within 6 months. I feel the space that is vacant now, not being in a group. But I know the work I am doing with hospice, as well as the grief support group is where God wants me to be. The cancer support group I remain involved with is a prime example of today’s question. People are welcomed, embraced and cared for on their journeys.
The first semester is over, grades and exams are done and a long weekend will likely be extended into the middle of the week as we are set to have dangerous temperatures. So many of our students walk to school – so we will likely be closed.
I am going with my god son’s parents to his game this evening, on the other side of the state. We will be staying overnight and returning home in the morning. It’s hard to believe how quickly his season is going.
Yesterday was a day off – for the end of semester. I enjoyed a leisurely lunch with a friend and took in a swim meet – I have four students on the swim team.
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