Today’s Reflection
When we do experience wholenss, we find capacity to handle difficult life situations and stress because we are connected to Jesus. It doesn’t mean we are free from trials, but it does mean that we have the capacity to handle them. It means that God’s love, mercy, and kindness sustain us through whatever we face. When we are growing in Christ and Christ is in us, we discover a joy that isn’t manufactured or dependent upon external circumstances. That joy is at our core and isn’t easily shaken.
—Junius B. Dotson, Soul Reset: Breakdown, Breakthrough, and the Journey to Wholeness (Upper Room Books, 2019)
Today’s Question
How do tests and trials teach you about who God is and who you are? [question from Soul Reset by Junius B. Dotson] Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
[Jesus said,] “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
—Matthew 11:28 (NIV)
Prayer for the Week
O God, I seek you. My soul thirsts for you. My whole being longs for you as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. [prayer adapted from Psalm 63:1]
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Burnout does not have to be the end of the story. Pastoral Pause, a new book by Greg Pimlott, provides an encouraging and a practical guide to help faith leaders take a break before it’s too late. Learn more here.
Lectionary Readings
- Song of Solomon 2:8-13
- Psalm 45:1-2, 6-9
- James 1:17-27
- Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Read the lectionary texts courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library here.
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
I fully agree with today’s reflection. I have experienced this and it makes me more confident that further tests and trials will be successfully endured. The biggest test or trial of my life is living with my mentally ill son who refuses to get help and believes that I am the one who is mentally ill. There are moments every day when I see compassion in him. I’m thankful for that. A list of tasks to accomplish has been established and we are making good progress with them. I’m thankful for resources that enable this progress. Thank You, Lord
Oh Robert, I too am living with a mentally ill child who refuses help. I have limited my interactions with her despite living together. My prayers are with you and also I pray for your situation. Yes, it is only with God’s grace that I survive and thrive.
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