Whom Shall I Fear?
Urgent Questions for Christians in an Age of Violence
Rosalind C. Hughes • July 2021
Churches are not immune to violence, as we have seen from shootings at houses of worship across the nation. The challenge for faith communities is how to respond to potential violence.
Whom Shall I Fear? asks congregational leaders to examine whether their operational and security policies are consistent with gospel values. It raises common themes in approaches to church security and looks at them in the light of scripture.
Whom Shall I Fear? provides thought-provoking reflections on topics such as locked doors, living faithfully in an unfaithful world, the question of armed security in a church setting, and the duty of Christians to extend hospitality to their neighbor. It includes stories from survivors of gun violence and wisdom on how churches can work to transform an anxious and fear-driven world. Whom Shall I Fear? helps the church thoughtfully wrestle with what it means to be a church of grace, welcome, and love when confronted with acts of cruelty, division, and hate.
Rosalind C. Hughes is an Episcopal priest in the diocese of Ohio. She serves as rector, Church of the Epiphany, Euclid, OH. Hughes is the author of A Family Like Mine and Whom Shall I Fear? She is a regular contributor to Episcopal Café (episcopalcafe.com). Hughes holds a master of divinity from Bexley Hall Episcopal Seminary and a master of arts in theology from Oxford University.
ISBN: 9780835819671
EPub ISBN: 9780835819695
Imprint: Upper Room Books
Pub Date: July 2021
Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Page Count: 144
BISAC Categories:
BISAC1: RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues