The Workbook on Abiding in Christ
The Way of Living Prayer
Maxie Dunnam • August 2010
"There is a place in God's heart that … only you can fill," writes Maxie Dunnam in this long-awaited sequel to The Workbook of Living Prayer. Eight weeks of daily readings in The Workbook on Abiding in Christ will help you find your place in God's heart and discover the secret to authentic Christian living.
Through the brief teaching segments, scripture, ideas for reflecting and recording, suggestions for taking what you have learned from your prayer time into the day, and guides for group sharing, you will begin a lifetime of abiding in Christ. For individual or small-group study.
ISBN: 978-0-8358-1028-9
Kindle ISBN: 978-0-8358-1727-1
EPub ISBN: 978-0-8358-1728-8
Imprint: Upper Room
Pub Date: August 2010
Trim Size: 8.5 in (w) x 11 in (h) x 0.464 in (d)
Page Count: 220
BISAC Categories: RELIGION / Christian Living / Prayer
BISAC1: REL012080
—Steve Bryant Former World Editor and Publisher, The Upper Room Maxie Dunnam has known from the beginning that it takes guidance, time, and practice to become a prayerful person. His *Workbook of Living Prayer** and now *The Workbook on Abiding in Christ** are built on the reality that most people desire and need some help in becoming the prayerful person they want to be. This volume is designed to provide that help.
—Rueben P. Job Coauthor of *A Guide to Prayer for All Who Seek God**, *A Guide to Prayer for All God’s People**, and *A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants** Retired Bishop, The United Methodist Church For many years Maxie Dunnam has been our reliable guide on the way to living prayer. This new workbook is a wonderful gift that guides us, step-by-step, into true abiding in Christ.
—William H. Willimon Bishop, Birmingham Area United Methodist Church *The Workbook on Abiding in Christ** is a practical, personal, and profound companion volume to Maxie Dunnam's classic, *The Workbook of Living Prayer.** If you want to have a deeper experience the apostle Paul’s number one teaching point—living *in** Christ by abiding in his love—this is the book to read.
—Gary W. Moon, MDiv, PhD Vice President and Integration Chair, Richmont Graduate University Author, *Apprenticeship with Jesus** Maxie Dunnam's book *The Workbook on Abiding in Christ** is an enriching and challenging small-group resource for those seeking to grow in their faith. It is an excellent sequel to his widely used *Workbook of Living Prayer.** The author builds on the same essential disciplines of spiritual reading, engagement with scripture, personal reflection, and small-group sharing. I believe that participants will find that the simple but dynamic process outlined in this resource will lead to life-changing experiences and a new awareness of the indwelling Christ as the shaping power of daily life. —Janice T. Grana Former Editor and Publisher, The Upper Room I can remember where I was when it happened! It was one morning when Maxie Dunnam and I were riding together to The Upper Room. When we rode together, we edited each other’s stuff. Maxie said, “I’ve been thinking about a workbook to help people learn how to pray.” I said, “That’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard. People can’t learn how to pray from a workbook.” (That’s how much I knew about workbooks and about prayer—and about Maxie.) We worked on *The Workbook of Living Prayer** during several trips, and it was beginning to come together. As we ended a particularly insightful session, I commented, “I didn’t think you would be able to do this, but it’s going to work.” Did it ever! It was a divine idea. Maxie pioneered the workbook genre of spiritual formation small-group learning. Fourteen workbooks later, he has done it again in *The Workbook on Abiding in Christ.** He presents weekly, essential biblical and theological markers about how to abide in Christ. Individuals and small groups are given didactic handles to our faith. All who have benefited from Maxie’s previous workbooks will discover that they were necessary preludes to abiding in Christ. — Danny E. Morris Former Director of Developing Ministries The Upper Room