Companions in Christ: Exploring Spiritual Guidance, Participant’s Book, Vol. 5

A revised Companions in Christ Leader's Guide, containing a "Getting Started Guide" and new plans for a closing retreat, is also available.
Exploring Spiritual Guidance: The Spirit of Christ presents an overview of the different ways to give and receive spiritual guidance — from a one-on-one relationship with a spiritual mentor to congregational or small-group accountablility. Learn how to grow together as a part of a Christian community and how small groups become settings for guided spiritual development. This book is the fifth segment of a five-volume study of the original 28-week Companions in Christ resource. The five-piece participant series is designed for groups that will take breaks between the other four volumes:
- Embracing the Journey (spiritual formation)
- Feeding on the Word (scripture)
- Deepening Our Prayer (prayer)
- Responding to Our Call (vocation)
OPTION: Groups that wish to experience an uninterrupted 28-week study of Companions in Christ should order Companions in Christ Participant's Book in 1 Volume.
ISBN: 978-0-8358-9834-8
Imprint: Upper Room
Pub Date: March 2006
Trim Size: 7.3125 in (w) x 9.25 in (h) x in (d)
Page Count: 94
BISAC Categories: RELIGION / Biblical Studies / General
BISAC1: REL006000
BISAC2: REL012120
BISAC3: REL012070
— Virginia M. Rimm Vassalboro United Methodist Church, Maine "Companions in Christ has really helped me and my group visualize our place in God's kingdom. It's not just a course. The length of it makes it a practice or way of life. We are praying more, listening to God's Word and listening to God speak to us. It is definitely changing our lives as we become more active and obedient to God's will."
— Rob Guy Christian Chapel CME, Temple of Faith, Dallas