Devotions of Light in a Season of Darkness
by Todd Outcalt
Not all Christmases are white—some are blue
Chances are that either you or someone close to you has felt depressed during the holiday season. When it seems like the whole world is awash in lights, celebration, friends, and family, many among us feel an amplified sense of loss, grief, and disconnect. Blue Christmas, an Advent devotional book by Todd Outcalt, reminds us that even in our darkest times, God offers us hope and comfort if we are willing to bring our deepest fears into the light of God’s love.
The honest devotions in Blue Christmas help us name our fears and realities so we can confront them with grace and truth. And with the naming comes understanding—in ways that give us permission to sit with our experiences, to acknowledge what we have lost, and to remember Jesus’ promise “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”
This book includes:
- A Blue Christmas/Longest Night worship service that addresses the pain many feel at Christmastime
- Daily readings with additional prayers
- Questions for individual reflection or small-group discussion

The Upper Room invites you to participate in the Blue Christmas video prayer service.
A “Blue Christmas” service may also be known as the “Longest Night” service. This service is especially designed to give voice and hope to those who are grieving or who are experiencing loss.
Join us in this prayer service, lifting up any darkness you may feel to the God of Light.