Don C. Richter

Don C. Richter is associate director of Louisville Institute, which supports those who lead and study religious institutions and practices in North America. An Alabama native, Don graduated from Davidson College (AB) and Princeton Theological Seminary (MDiv, PhD). An ordained Presbyterian (PCUSA) minister and practical theologian, Don served at Second Presbyterian Church in Louisville (1981–1984) and taught Christian education at Bethany Theological Seminary (1988–1992) and Candler School of Theology (1992–1998), where he was also founding director of the Youth Theology Institute. As associate director of the Valparaiso Project on the Education and Formation of People of Faith (1999–2010), Don wrote Mission Trips That Matter (Upper Room Books, 2008), and with Dorothy Bass coedited Way to Live: Christian Practices for Teens (Upper Room Books, 2002). He resides in Louisville, where he sings in the Highland Presbyterian Church chancel choir.