Today’s Reflection
People often describe Christians as hypocrites, meaning that Christians say one thing and do another. Everyone is hypocritical to some extent (even those who call Christians hypocrites). Authenticity draws people to Jesus and the church, and people can tell from a mile away when Christians are inauthentic.
—Linda Tower Pevey, We Are the Church . . . Let’s Act Like It: A Study on the Book of Acts (Upper Room Books, 2019)
Today’s Question
What does the phrase “authentic Christian” mean to you?
Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
—Acts 2:42 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
God, help us be the church you created us to be. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Do you hunger for a deeper spiritual experience? Join the next Two-Year Academy for Spiritual Formation, starting in January 2023, at Camp McDowell in Nauvoo, Alabama. Learn more.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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I would say an “authentic Christian” follows Jesus’s example closely, but as a human still needing God’s grace.
Even Saints had imperfections. The disciples doubted. We try again and again, have our struggles, missteps, but with God’s help we get up and try again.
After a hot, but not so humid day yesterday, today’s high is forecast for 79. The air is humid after early morning rain. It’s overcast. The last day of the month, fall not so far away
Memories of Soo Ok, Korea, upcoming Chuseok, Korean Thanksgiving, celebrations both in the US and Korea are on my mind. Very thankful for the window of opportunity, made possible, and taken between October and December 1950 when her Mom brought her now husband less family to safety in South Korea. Minefields cleared, ships carried refugees from Wonsan to Pusan, There’s a long history of immigration to the US after wars. WWII, Korea, Vietnam. and Afghanistan come to mind.
Safety everywhere, but especially in homes and schools, areas affected by storms, communities impacted by violence.,and all branches and levels of government. Food, shelter, and first aid to the people of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tigray,and Yemen. Wisdom in dealing with the nuclear energy plant in Ukraine and peace and sovereignty to Ukraine. Guide us Lord as we belatedly deal with our poor care for the earth. Nudges ignored, pushes rejected, shoves are now causing some action. Thank You, Lord.
To be an authentic Christian is to try. We try to follow Jesus’ example and do so to the best of our human ability. But we try and strive even though we are human and he is divine.
It is cooler and less humid here. I have contacted the junk removal company and scheduled a day for them to remove the junk from the storage unit h has his mother’s furniture in as well as items he has hoarded. Will be nice to see our basement once again.
Prayers for Ally and David, may God provide for them. Prayers for Jill and her friend’s who are both grieving different losses, may God comfort them. Prayers for Lou and her brother and mother, may God heal them. Prayers for Robert and Erich and the CCUMC, may God lead them.
To me, an authentic Christian walks the walk, as opposed to talking the talk. There is fruit visibly evident – in actions, lifestyle, relationships. We can strive to emulate Christ in our everyday lives, in simple things as well as hard things.
It is just so good to be in school. What a great group of students I met first thing this morning. Engaging conversation, a willingness to take a risk. I love it!
Looks beautiful outside. Hoping to take in some US Open tennis on TV and take a walk this evening.
To be authentic is to keep it real: to say, “this is me, Lord”. We allow others to see who we are. We don’t pretend to be something we are not. Just trying to find my way home. There’s a song by Rich Mullins called If I Stand. It is the essence of what it means to be an authentic Christ follower.
Thank you for continued prayers. I’m too exhausted to go into lots of details. Praying for better days for our world.
Here is link to the song I mentioned. Give it a listen.
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