Today’s Reflection
Fortunately, Jesus does not thrust upon us the expectations that we place upon ourselves. Instead, he honors those who seek him out. He calls us to remain in him, as he remains in us. The call of Jesus is first and foremost a relational call. Jesus’ initial, direct command to Zacchaeus is not that he reform his life, not that he be a little nicer, not that he make amends with the people he has cheated. Jesus urges Zacchaeus only to come down and engage with him. He extends a loving invitation and investment.
—Angela D. Schaffner, Revealed: What the Bible Can Teach You About Yourself (Upper Room Books, 2019)
Today’s Question
What is Jesus’ invitation to you today? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
When Jesus came to that spot, he looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, come down at once. I must stay in your home today.” So Zacchaeus came down at once, happy to welcome Jesus.
—Luke 19:5-6 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
Holy Spirit,
Search me and make me teachable.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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To come, and find rest. To simply exist in His peace. When I am at my stillest and quietest – I am more able to hear the still, small Voice. I am more in tune with The Spirit. I take my time reading Scripture, waiting in silent prayer. Thank You, Father – for Your Presence.
Dad and I are supposed to golf today, but it looks like it will be a stormy day. I doubt we will be able to get all of our round in, if any. We finished up the book last evening. We both are glad we went through the book.
Come closer and stay is the call I hear. Had a good day, ZOOM worship, lovely weather, a nice walk, helpful research will lead to a more accurate model, an interesting movie about the making of the Korean alphabet in the mid-1400s, my daily one piece of chocolate-hazelnut praline, and email messages working. Prayers for your needs, concerns, thanksgiving for the blessings you have received. Thank You, Lord
Lie down your burdens, allow my strength to be revealed in your weakness. Rest in the knowledge that I will carry all of your burdens. Be not overwhelmed for I am with you.
I feel overwhelmed with all that I am dealing with currently. This morning I just wanted to let go and have a mental bereakdown. But I can’t, too many depend on me. I humbly ask for your prayers.
Prayers for Jill and Larry, may they succeed in golfing a full round. I know it looks dark now but I have faith in the meteorolgists I watch and they said no rain today and mid 80s for a high. So I pray you are safe from raindrops.
Prayers for Robert and his chocolate revelation. I am like you, one piece is fine for me but I prefer dark chocolate and Ii especially like it with mint.
Prayers, thank you and stay well dear UR and have a safe holiday
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