Today’s Reflection
Sometimes it takes people a long time to find a way to earn a living that also allows them to feel good at the end of the day about how they have invested that day of their life. But God has given each of us gifts that we are meant to use with joy. … How do you see God’s hand at work shaping you through the work (paid or not) you have done over the years? Where have you been able to use the gifts of caring, organizing, teaching, cooking, repairing things—or whatever you do with joy and energy—to make the world more like God wants it to be? Those tasks are always work that is worth doing!
—Mary Lou Redding, God Was with Me All Along: A Guide for Capturing Your Memories and Telling Your Story (Upper Room Books, 2021)
Today’s Question
Reflect on some of the author’s questions in today’s quote. Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Whatever you do, do it from the heart, for the Lord and not for people.
—Colossians 3:23, CEB
Prayer for the Week
You are invited to replace the below prayer with one you recall from your own childhood.
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
Guide me safely through the night,
And wake me with the morning light.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
New Every Morning Readers,
The featured book this week, God Was with Me All Along, was written by Mary Lou Redding, who served as the editor of The Upper Room daily devotional guide for many years. We invite you to take advantage of a free 30-day trial subscription to the email edition of The Upper Room, the only daily devotional written entirely by its readers. To start your free trial, visit
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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I am going to trust that this will indeed post.
I have used my gift of caring and nurturing to raise my daughter and to care for kitties with special health needs. I used these gifts also during my internships when I was earning my Masters of Social Work. I have always loved and understood math and science and used them to tutor as well as in my job as a Nuclear Engineer. But what is most enigmatic is that I used my gifts of nurturing and caring for others as a nuclear engineer also.
Prayers for Ally as she continues to heal from her own health issues. Prayers for David to continue to work hard on regaining strength and stability. Prayers that Lewis kitty continues to recover.
Prayers for April and may she be blessed for her kind words and cunning insights. Thank you for challenging me to delve more deeply into the meaning of the Bible stories and to think of different perspectives in order to grow my faith.
Prayers for Jill as she enters the classroom today to ready the room and herself for the task of greeting students and recharging their wonder at the knowledge she has to impart.
Prayers for Lou and may she continue to find new flowers and other signs of God’s spring renewal.
Prayers for our dear friend Robert, may his absence be technology related only. Watch over him Lord and keep him safe and well and let him feel our love and care.
Prayers for the UR administrators of this site. We all very much appreciate your hard work and commitment.
I think about how desperately I wanted a teaching job and kept getting doors shut in my face. I had student taught and coached in a school very close to my home. An opening came after one year of coaching and substituting in the district. I had the recommendation of the department chair – and yet did not get the job. The superintendent hired a family friend. I was devastated. I then went to a private school at coached and subbed. A job opening was posted, but I didn’t get it there either. I went and worked for very little at a private Christian school. The job was viewed by most of the teachers as “mission work”. It paid very little and I coached there for free. After 2 years – I had had enough. I gave it one last summer of interviewing – and literally at the 11th hour…3 days before school began – I received a call that I was hired. Surely God had a plan for me and now I look back over the 26 years at this current school and marvel at how it all worked out. I initially got to coach for 4 years and then the principal asked me to join the staff of this specialized program. I was naive – but so grateful now that I took the risk…20 years later – I have the best kids, the best schedule. I couldn’t have imagined this all. Yes, it was all worth it. I chuckle at what little technology I have mastered…enough to sufficiently and appropriately navigate a pandemic and still push my students. Also, I was not seeking to be school treasurer – and again, the technology aspect of it scared me. But – now – so grateful to have it, have an office for it and NOT have to do lunch duty or study hall duty. And to get paid a stipend to do it – incredible.
Today was a highly productive day. Tomorrow is all meetings, so grateful to have accomplished so much today.
It was so warm this morning – I ran in shorts and just a long sleeved top, with no ski cap. It was windier than I would have preferred, but I couldn’t not go out in such warm temps. Appreciated these last few weeks of running in daylight. With the time change this weekend, it will be back to the darkness. Plus, I must start my mornings a bit earlier now with school being back in person.
Roger seemed to have survived the long day without me. I am sure he slept it away. Full of energy this evening while I fixed dinner and ate.
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