Today’s Reflection
I was going to wing it for a year and see if I really believed that I was called to be a writer and if it really could be true that God supported such a crazy career move. I also felt the need for a year of physical and spiritual renewal, to gather the pieces of myself that had slowly fallen off, like the leaves of a mildly watered basil plant left in the shade with only glimpses of light. That sounds a little dramatic, but it was true.
—Enuma Okoro, Reluctant Pilgrim: A Moody, Somewhat Self-Indulgent Introvert’s Search for Spiritual Community (Fresh Air Books, 2010)
Today’s Question
When you’re feeling lost, what enables you to experience renewal?
Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Those who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength,
they shall mount up with wings like eagles,
they shall run and not be weary,
they shall walk and not faint.
—Isaiah 40:31 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
God of hope, when we reach out to you with our dreams and our confessions, may we feel you reaching back out to us. Nourish our spirits, and nudge us to incorporate you into the rhythm of our days. Amen. Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Do you love hymns? Join us for Listening through Lent with James C. Howell and The Upper Room, our Lenten eCourse featuring the book Unrevealed Until Its Season: A Lenten Journey with Hymns.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Knowing, believing that God is with me, you, us always no matter what helps me through tough times. This is late, but a very deep wish for a happy birthday to Julie, so glad heat helps your legs, and you had a good phone chat with Mom. Glad Larry is now in Florida, Tough memories of Gloria’s passing, yes cancer can kill the body, but never the spirit, mind, and soul, Nothing can ever separate us from the love of God. Jesus said He would never leave us, spiritually that’s what counts and is true. Prayers for healing, well-being, financial stability, faith, and hope for Julie, Ally & David. May Ally and her sister be allowed to obtain items from their parents’ home. Continued prayers for Roger and Jeremy. Much too warmer weather on the way, it’s early February not mid March, Global warming / climate change is making things very different. The meeting with the district superintendent didn’t forecast a return to having a pastor, but we were encouraged that we are doing well at what we do. Ideas of many kinds suggested discussed, another meeting later this month. Thankfully a guest pastor will lead ZOOM worship through Lent and Easter. Proverbs Bible study this morning. Stay healthy and safe. Thank You, Lord.
I am glad for this question as I am in need of suggestions for how to experience renewal. My body and soul are desperately in need of renewal.
It is snowing here and the temperature fluctuates. Today in the 20s. It is a very snowy and cold winer here.
Prayers for Ally and her sister to be given permission to gather mementos and for Ally to gain additional financial resources. Prayers for Larry and Becky to enjoy their time in the sun together. Prayers for Jeremy and Roger to improve physically. Prayers for Robert’s church’s future. Thank you for your prayers and may God bless all who visit here.
I am not sure that I have felt lost. I have felt overwhelmed, physically and mentally exhausted (I’ll add emotional to that). One key component to my bouncing back is time alone, solitude in my house with just time to “be”. My sister and her husband are always on the go and she tells me she wishes she could just “be”. Self care is huge also, especially when my body is outta wack. To calm a flare, I must be overly attentive to proper rest and maintenance for my body.
I talked with my sister last night and dad told her both Sunday night on the phone and yesterday when she picked him up at the airport that attending the support group was “not good for him”. Too many memories surfaced. I feel badly about this. I also feel badly that he could not express this to me himself. I just pray this time is restorative. However, I think that his feelings might mount as we head towards the anniversary of her passing.
Taking some dinner to my youngest nephew and his wife, following school today. He had knee surgery a week ago – he tore his ACL playing indoor soccer. Today is also his wife’s birthday – so, along with a card from dad and a card from me, dropping off pork tenderloin and hush puppies.
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