Today’s Reflection
We have places of fear inside of us, but we have other places as well—places with names like trust and hope and faith. We can choose to lead from one of those places, to stand on ground that is not riddled with the fault lines of fear, to move toward others from a place of promise instead of anxiety. As we stand in one of those places, fear may remain close at hand and our spirits may still tremble. But now we stand on ground that will support us, ground from which we can lead others toward a more trustworthy, more hopeful, more faithful way of being in the world.
—Parker J. Palmer, in Hope: It’s More Than Wishful Thinking, compiled and introduced by Amy Lyles Wilson (Fresh Air Books, 2010)
Today’s Question
How does hope support you in standing firm? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for [Jesus] who has promised is faithful.
—Hebrews 10:23 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Everything was going fine … until it wasn’t. The eCourse edition of the book Soul Reset: Breakdown, Breakthrough, and the Journey to Wholeness is a 6-week study for everyone who moves at breakneck speed through their daily lives, often relying only on their own strength to bring God’s kingdom on earth. Jesus shows us a different way, a more natural, unforced rhythm of what kingdom work looks like. Join our growing online community. Read more about the Soul Reset eCourse.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Hope is eternal, it never ends, on hope we can stand firm and this progress is possible. I am in discussion with Erich about religion. I want him to come to his own decision for I believe God gives us free will. Fall weather is here, no frost yet, but forecasts ate for it between now and mid October. highs in the 50s today. Prayers for wisdom in Washington DC, the unvaccinated, those recovering from fires, drought, heat, floods, hurricanes, and lava flows. Prayers for the NEM family, those I know by name, Julie and Megan;Jill, Larry, Becky; Ally & David, Lou and her children. may progress be made in all of your concerns and needs. I’m thankful for the blessings you receive. Thank You, Lord.
I’m still approaching everything and everyone with fear. I have lived in fear my whole life. I believe the only time I did not fear was when I was married to Megan’s father and had my nuclear engineering job. Everything was becoming easier and we bought a house and were renovating it. Life was as I had worked for so many years. I am without much hope now and live in constant terror. I fear h and I fear the outcome of this divorce. I fear the future. I pray for strength.
Prayers for Ally and David, for physical and mental health for improved finances and improved family relationships. Prayers for Roger’s health and Jill’s continued good health whille increasing her activity level and for her and her students’ health and safety. Prayers for Robert and Erich as they discuss that which is central to Robert’s life, may Erich accept the Lord or at least accept Robert’s faith and not be threatened by it. Prayers for Marti and her staff, may they remain healthy and well. Thank you for your prayers and may God bless all who visit here.
As God cannot be anything but faithful, it is possible for me to retain hope when it feels like hope will crash and shatter into a million pieces. In my doubts, I choose Christ. We got some unsettling news this morning. David had blood work done at his physical last week. His PSA is pretty elevated and doc will refer him to a urologist. When it rains, it pours. Lord, we will try to come at this from a place of hope and trust.
Thanks to all for your Prayers and love over the last year. Know that I hold you and the things close to your hearts close to mine. Blessings to all.
I love these readings this week and find myself saying “amen” and nodding as I read through the paragraph. Yes – it is a choice – we can choose to lead/live from a place of hope. It doesn’t change the circumstances, it doesn’t change the difficulty, but – it is a heart stance that allows us to cling to God – and His promise of provision and presence – and our ultimate reward in Heaven. Christ endured the ultimate pain and suffering – yet He remained steadfastly resolute – with His hope secure in Heaven. “All other ground is sinking sand.”
This has been a really good week at work, with time to get much accomplished, plan ahead, etc. Tomorrow will be a long day as it is interim pick-up (akin to conferences). Parents have the choice of attending in person or virtually. It will be 12 hours in the building. But I am planning on using my time well and getting ahead.
Looking forward to small group this evening. Instead of taking a walk this evening, I made some oatmeal pumpkin chocolate chunk cookies. Surely not a good trade off on the calorie scale – but I love the plethora of pumpkin things available this time of year.
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