New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

"A Liturgy for Morning Prayer," Upper Room Worshipbook

Used by permission from the Book of Common Worship, © 2018 Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved. This prayer appears in “A Liturgy for Morning Prayer” in Upper Room Worshipbook.


Words of Hope During COVID-19

Elaine A. Heath, author of God Unbound, tells five ways she and her community are coping with the stress of the COVID pandemic quarantine. She talks about the importance of mindfulness, physical work, good theology, play, and immersing ourselves in beauty every day.


Today’s Reflection

In Christ we become an entirely new creation! All that is old in us—the useless ideas, the faithless attitudes, the tightly held fears and destructive behaviors—will pass away as we give ourselves more fully to God. In their place will come gifts of the Spirit—new ways of understanding, believing, and acting that belong to the mind and heart of Jesus. All the Creator asks is that we be utterly honest before God, to open ourselves to grace, to abide in Christ our Redeemer, and to give ourselves in love as much as we can each day.

—Marjorie J. Thompson, Companions in Christ: The Way of Forgiveness (Upper Room Books, 2002)

Today’s Question

How can honesty and openness with God help shape you into a new creation? Join the conversation.

Today’s Scripture

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!
—2 Corinthians 5:17 (NRSV)

Prayer for the Week

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, your love, and your forgiveness.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.

Something More

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Lectionary Readings

(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)

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  • Jill Posted April 28, 2020 5:46 am

    Being honest with ourselves and placing that self submissively before Him – this is when we are most open to His transforming. When we hold back, section off a part of ourselves, we are not trusting Him fully, nor desiring His will for us. For myself – I must ask The Spirit to search me – and to show me where I am not being fully transparent. I must seek His help with this, as I cannot trust my deceitful, prideful heart. Search me and know me, Father God.
    A beautifully sunny day yesterday – a walk with dad in the afternoon when I finished up my sessions, an then a walk in the evening with a colleague friend who is fighting breast cancer. She has had two sessions of chemo, with four more ahead of her through July. She is single and is fighting this valiantly, in my opinion. Her team, her village is supporting her well.

  • robert moeller Posted April 28, 2020 7:59 am

    For me being honest and open is the first step of confession that leads to repentance. Truthful admittance I’d call it. Born as sinners we have to be reborn in Christ. My biggest problem is recognizing, knowing the sin I unsuspectedly, unconsciously committed. Lord, make me aware that I may acknowledge, confess, and repent. I also know that I can’t do it all by myself, I’m very much in need of Jesus

    Monday’s predicted snow came as rain. Cloudy and windy today. Thankful for online streaming that enables Korean historical dramas with English subtitles. Have been to palaces represented and seen court activities. The current drama emphasizes cooking at the palace and I am a great fan of Korean food.

    Hopefully Bible study will resume via ZOOM this week.

    I pray for your safety and if you have the virus, your recovery. God’s peace be and is with you. Thank
    You, Lord.

  • Julie Posted April 28, 2020 8:36 am

    To be open and honest before the Lord, to lay our hearts and souls bare is the only way to be transformed by Him. Being human, it is difficult to reveal the “real” me before the Lord. Shame and pride and reluctance hinder my attempts. I must approach again and again snd seek His change each time, accepting that my progress will be slow and difficult.
    Prayers for Jill, Larry and her friend, may all stay healthy and may her friend stay physically distant during this time of vulnerability but not socially distant.
    Prayers for Robert, may he stay safe and continue to find new and unique ways of staying “active” during this time.
    Prayers for Ally and David, may Ally remain healthy and engaged by work and may David’s rehab go well and become easier. May the Lord be with them both providing His strength and love.
    Prayers for April and her family, may they stay safe and healthy and may her new plants flourish during this spring weather
    Prayers for Andrea, Lou and Rick and their families, may they be healthy.
    Megan and I spent Sunday watching a Robin Williams comedy special which was one of his standup shows. It was hilarious and just what I needed. Then we watched Frozen II because Megan wanted to view it again. It was her second time and my first. We also ran a few errands as we also needed to pot some flowers.
    Prayers and thank you and stay safe and healthy dear UR

  • Ally Posted April 28, 2020 9:04 am

    In my work as a counselor in corrections, we do assessments as a baseline so that we can assist offenders in creating goals and objectives. We use cognitive behavioral therapy as our modality. The philosophy is that if we can change our thoughts, we can change our behaviors. Like I meet guys on my caseload where they are, God meets us where we are. Changing the way we think about who God is: loving and grace-giving, can help us change the way we deal with the issue of forgiveness. If God can help me change the way I think about myself and others, then together, God and I can change how we deal with persons who are hard to forgive. God helps me accept the grace God offers me.
    David’s therapy is just getting started with stretches, leg lifts, etc. His occupational therapist has identified some short-term memory deficits, which she thinks will resolve with time. Please pray for us, as David is worried about this. But he is so much stronger than he was, and is a little more like his old self. I am so thankful!
    I thank y’all for your affirmations to me as well. Your prayers mean the world to me. I have become so fond of each of you. Julie, it’s ironic you admired my accent. I grew up in Alabama, about 25 miles from the Tennessee state line. Our accents are more like Tennessee than deep south, to be sure. I am so thankful for this forum and look forward to reading your comments to see what God is doing in your lives. I lift up your request to the Lord and pray for you. I’m thankful we are finding ways to connect with God in these crazy times. Be blessed!

  • Lou Posted April 28, 2020 9:06 am

    That is one of my favorite verses- everything old has passed away- see everything has become new….everything is right if we but place our trust in him-my failing is my problem of holding on to the past. I want to trust completely and rely on God but my sin is that I cling too many times to earthly ways,people, things. I pray daily for the Spirit to guide me and help me on this journey- looking forward to eternal life and that promise instead of focusing and dwelling on what was which is what I struggle with so much. I pray for God to help us all – one day at a time- looking forward to his promise.
    This morning the sun is out and it is warmer and everything looked so green on my walk.
    Continued prayers for all of those working on the front – prayers for those who are ill, scared and lonely. Prayers for all of the UR faithful – May you all be blessed with peace and good health. God is near.

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