Today’s Reflection
Spiritual growth happens when we challenge ourselves to sincere dialogue with someone for whom God looks very different. Interfaith conversations hold mirrors to our own beliefs, where we see both brightness and room for transformation. . . .
Soulmates are the partners and friends who show us who we really are. They hold mirrors to our hearts, reflecting what makes us real and lovable, while also shedding light on the bruised and callused spots that need work. They encourage us to live into our most precious calling: becoming the spiritual creatures we are meant to be.
—J. Dana Trent, Saffon Cross: The Unlikely Story of How a Christian Minister Married a Hindu Monk (Fresh Air Books, 2013)
Today’s Question
Who encourages you to become the spiritual creature you are meant to be? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
For now we see in a mirror, dimly. . . . Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.
—1 Corinthians 13:12-13 (NRSVA)
Prayer for the Week
In your infinitude, O God, you humble me. As I strive to better understand you, help me recognize this striving in others. Your presence is revealed in so many beautiful ways. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
During the 40 days of Lent, beloved author Beth Richardson invites us to make space for the Holy One in the wilderness of our lives. With daily reflections and weekly spiritual practices, Walking in the Wilderness provides a spiritual feast for readers during one of the more challenging seasons of the year. Get your copy for only $10 (33% off) with promo code WWLENT.
Lectionary Readings
- Jeremiah 1:4-10
- Psalm 71:1-6
- 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
- Luke 4:21-30
Read the lectionary texts courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library here.
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
My spiritual director encourages me to grow as God continues to guide me. She encourages me to listen to The Spirit.
Reading the above – I think of my friend. She has found a new church and congregation and has found joy again in worship and church attendance. She is doing a lot of reading – and the books we now go through together are very much tilted towards this new understanding. Quite a bit of it resonates with me, but some of it is very different from how I was brought up. I keep asking God to show me what is true…what I need to cling to and what I need to be open to. I believe He will continue to lead me.
Ally – prayers for you and David, for your concerns which weigh heavily. May you sense His presence.
Went to one of my student’s hockey game yesterday – it was senior day. His girlfriend, also a student of mine, was there also. It was an exciting game, they came from behind to tie it just before time ran out and won in overtime. I then went to my god son’s game – an easy blowout vs crosstown rival. Two more games this week and then the final three games will be when I am in Florida with my dad and sister. I can’t believe it is February already.
One good thing about Communion Sunday’s is that my time here comes later in the day so i am able to see posts from earlier in the day. Yes, differences in faith understandings can help foster growth despite their challenges.
I have only very briefly, and now more than 20 years go, had anyone close to s spiritual direcctor.
I would have to say that it has been pastors who have influenced me most over the years, some more than others.
When i was teaching, the demands of that profession limited what time I had for other activities.
At times i was more involved than others in school related activities, but also there was Scouting, and Army Reserve duty, and ALWAYS there are the needs of your own family.
February has come quickly and the first weeks of it are filled with things to do.
Our All In One board dealth with many aspects of the church today, and all went well in the 1 hour
time time limit.
Thank You, Lord. Your Love, Grace, and Mercy are ever present and sustain me.
My comments disappeared before I could publish it. Blessings to all who visit. Jill, thanks so much for praying for us. Robert, glad your meeting went well.
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