Today’s Reflection
Over and over, Jesus “labors” on the sabbath, doing good deeds that the temple priests see as “working.”. . . From the start of his ministry on the sabbath to his acts of service, Jesus is the rule-breaking “lord of the sabbath.” But he doesn’t indulge in luxury, forget God, or strive to achieve goals in the ordinary sense. He “works” for justice, love, and mercy on the sabbath, balancing teaching large crowds with taking time away by himself for introspection.
—J. Dana Trent, For Sabbath’s Sake: Embracing Your Need for Rest, Worship, and Community (Upper Room Books, 2017)
Today’s Question
How might you improve your balance between spending time with others and spending time in solitude? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
[On the Sabbath], at sunset, people brought to Jesus those who were sick or demon-possessed. . . . He healed many who were sick with all kinds of diseases, and he threw out many demons. . . . Early in the morning, well before sunrise, Jesus rose and went to a deserted place where he could be alone in prayer.
—Mark 1:32, 34-35 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
Holy God, help me to find freedom in the gift of sabbath. Guide me to build regular sabbath time into my life. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
The Upper Room’s newly updated Prayer Wall makes it even easier to connect with others and with God. Visit the Prayer Wall to submit a prayer request or to join our global community. Pray with us today.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Had a better day with Erich helped him get mussels and French bread for supper. Very enjoyable.
Two long walks early in the morning, an enjoyable car ride, saw the not so often in operation Conway Scenic steam locomotive at the station and again later in the day as it pulled a train from Conway back to North Conway. Glad steam locomotives are not in regular service, but nostalgia being rewarded now and then is a great joy. Takes me back to my days down at the station in the 50s.
Have witnessed someone with very physically active dementia. It’s very tough to deal with. Prayers for Julie and h as this continues. Prayers too that Jill can meet with her best friends over the summer. Prayers for Ally, her efforts to work, the disability application, David’s rehab recovery, and life enabling resources.,
Today’s worship will be a prayer meeting, no zoom, but there will be music. This is quite new for this community of faith, I hope they are willing to try it, it’s purpose is to help people know each other better, bring people together, encourage and uplift them while communicating with God.
A meeting to acquaint laity with training they can take to lead their community of faith has been scheduled. Hopefully there will be partakers. Church Council will have an open meeting Tuesday via Zoom,
A beautiful day in the White Mountains, high 81, Blessings to all. Thank You, Lord.
Some w my church friends and I habe been talking about having a regular coffee date. My therapist told me I need to get out more. There is an elderly lady I go to church with who has become homebound. I plan to visit her as I can. She is a lovely, fascinating person. We used to go to lunch together every Sunday.
David is progressing in therapy and wants to come home. I hope Monday we may know something about a discharge date. I resolve to be firm in setting boundaries with my former friend. She is not a bad or evil person, but is very troubled and that turns into toxicity, which David and I do not need. I’m praying for wisdom and discernment about a source of income as we wait on disability appeal. I took 2 kitties to vet yesterday. Scout got an anti- inflammatory for tummy issues. Vet said her heart sounds strong and and mentioned possible diagnoses, including hyperthyroidism and diabetes. Will get blood work in a couple of weeks when we can more afford it. Lewis got an allergy shot and scrip for an appetite stimulant. He also has issues with “irregularity” and vet made suggestions to help that. Our pets are like our children. A dear friend’s kitty passed away last night unexpectedly. She is inconsolable. I would be too.
Robert, prayers for your church as you look for ways to move forward vas a congregation. Prayers continue for you and Erich. I live mussels, so your supper sounds amazinr. Julie, prayers for you as you manage H’s care and his behaviors. I know you will do so with empathy. Be kind to yourself. Jill, praying you and your friends can find some time to get together. Prayers also for little Roger, that he feels better and continues to progress.
Prayers for Lou, April, Rick and Scott, and all who visit NEM. May they receive a blessing. I continue to pray for the USA in these troubling times. May we find ways to connect, even when we disagree. JFK stated that we strive toward things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. This task is as hard as any I know of. With God’s help, I try to have hope. Love to all.
Sorry for the typos. I wish there was an edit function.
I feel like I have a good balance, as I enjoy time being alone. Yes, in the summer, I am able to be more social, with interactions with tennis friends and teammates. I am usually the quiet one at the table. But, I surely enjoy intimate one-on-one conversations. They are life giving.
Cancer support group this morning, and I was so pleased that the young lady who lost her mom a few weeks ago was there. I greeted her warmly and was able to spend some time with her afterwards. She briefly addressed the group, through tears, thanking them for the support. I got to meet her youngest, a spunky 2 year old blonde cutie.
A graduation party this evening, for my friend’s daughter who had the long stint at the rehab hospital out of state. It is being held at my church.
Bought some bone broth for Roger and have chicken breasts cooking up now. Hoping to entice him to eat a bit more. He smells the chicken, he keeps wandering in and out of the kitchen.
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