Today’s Reflection
Waiting for God to deliver on God’s word is not easy by any means. As we wait, we may question the belief that God has given us a word upon which to wait. Our faith dances back and forth, and we need a believing community to remind us that God is trustworthy. All we can do to determine the accuracy of our hearing is wait and see what comes to pass. Faith, hope, and trust can be contagious within a faith community.
—Enuma Okoro, Silence and Other Surprising Invitations of Advent (Upper Room Books, 2012)
Today’s Question
When have you needed a reminder that God is trustworthy? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us.
—Psalm 62:8 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
As we wait, Transforming God, prepare our hearts to receive you.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
For many people, this time of year brings up feelings of loneliness, anxiety, grief, and despair. Join us to pray for those in need, or share your own prayer request at The Upper Room Prayer Wall.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Because I am often weak and life sometimes bombards me I often need reminders which is why I like the UR so much- I get my daily reminders here and I am grateful for that. Prayers and peace to you all as we await Christmas this week. Prayers for safety and health of all of those traveling and gathering with loved ones – may God keep us safe and keep love in our hearts as we await His coming. Peace to you all this day. He is near.
Yes, Lou, the Lord is near. To each one of us. Thank you for that reminder.
I don’t think I have needed that reminder – for I believe when I was able to grasp His trustworthiness, I never doubted it. I am grateful for this. If the time should come in the future – there are trusted companions on the path who would restore me.
Good to be in church this morning, for the atmosphere of Christmas, for familiar tunes and a climatic non-traditional Christmas song to close the service. It was perfect. Dad stopped over while his real estate agent hosted an open house.
I am very lazy and unmotivated today, just as it should be now that I am on break. My blanket, my cat, some football and a book.
May this week be full of His mercies, His love passing through us to others, and quiet moments of reflection and gratitude.
I feel comfortable, confident in God’s presence, but reminders now and then, fellowship with believers, and continued contact with them help. This is certainly an important place for me. Read through past posts, just now responding. Progress for Julie with her job search, Larry’s condo sale,. Glad Jill is on vacation with no schoolwork to do. I always had schoolwork at this time of year. Good things hear from Lou. Hoping for good news from Ally&David. Roger and Jeremy are receiving the care they need.Prayers continue for the challenges each of you face and Thanksgiving for your joys. With Omicron. spreading my daughter has concerns about meeting at Christmas. Trying to make a good decision, determine the vaccination status of everyone who will be there. Safety first! Thank You, Lord .
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