Today’s Reflection
By the end of my renewal leave, my soul had been refilled by hearing so many good sermons. The creative spark was blazing, and I had some new ideas to try out on my own congregation. I got to spend three months sitting in the pews with my wife and children. Best of all? I got to come back excited to preach again . . . and no longer tired of hearing myself talk.
—Greg Pimlott, Pastoral Pause: A Practical Guide to Renewal Leave (Upper Room Books, 2024)
Today’s Question
What feeds your soul? [question adapted from Pastoral Pause by Greg Pimlott] Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
You, Lord, are my shepherd.
I will never be in need.
You let me rest in fields
of green grass.
You lead me to streams
of peaceful water,
and you refresh my life.
—Psalm 23:1-3 (CEV)
Prayer for the Week
Dear God, give me the courage to push aside my tasks and to-do lists so that I can rest in your presence. Embolden me to leave time unscheduled and to relax into that blank space of possibility. I want to be led by your Holy Spirit. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
In this week’s featured book, Pastoral Pause, Pastor Greg Pimlott shares the inspiring story of his journey from burnout to spiritual revitalization. If you — or someone you know — need a break, Pastoral Pause will help revive your spirits and will provide a roadmap for your own sacred time of renewal. Use promo code PP20 to receive 20% off when you order your copy today from The Upper Room online store.
Lectionary Readings
- 2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33
- Psalm 130
- Ephesians 4:25-5:2
- John 6:35, 41-51
Read the lectionary texts courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library here.
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
My soul is fed by worship, daily reflection, quiet time, hymns, prayer, and fellowship. Thank You, Lord for many ways to connect with You.
Have had a little over an inch of rain, expecting sunny skies today and tomorrow. Church picnic tomorrow.
My soul is fed by spending time one on one with one of my close friends, sharing a meal, taking a walk, talking authentically. My soul is fed by Sunday morning worship…the entire service…communal praise and singing, being fed by the Word. My soul is fed by competition.
Enjoying the variety of viewing options for this Olympics. Having it on in the background throughout the day while doing various tasks. Will miss it.
A cool overnight and windows are open this morning. But, The Kittens are hunkered down underneath my bed as I am having my ducts are being cleaned. I think the guy is almost finished – so they will reemerge soon hopefully. Hoping to watch the US womens soccer game, the mens basketball game and preseason football. Lots of reading while all this is on in the background.
What feeds my soul? The Upper Room’s New Every Morning does a lot to feed my soul. Prayer times with insightful books feeds my soul. Remembering to simply talk with God about my day (our day) as I walk through it. Songs and hymns and sermons in my church community feed my soul. A midday nap is also helpful.
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