Today’s Reflection
It is within our communities of faith that the culture of our discipleship is formed and exemplified. … Most people typically do not live in a commune; but when there is need in the community, so often, they respond as though they are one. For example, after a natural disaster occurs in a small community, people respond with a unity that binds them together. By way of another example, many churches collect gently-used clothing for distribution; many also offer clothes closets along with their food-pantry ministry. That practice is one example of distributing assets to those in need.
—Christine Harman, For the Common Good: Discovering and Using Your Spiritual Gifts (Discipleship Resources, 2021)
Today’s Question
In which ways might your congregation live a lifestyle congruent with the early church? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need.
—Acts 2:44-45, NRSV
Prayer for the Week
Give me knowledge and insight that will help me make the right choices in my life. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
You are beloved, and you are gifted. Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts: Building Up the Body of Christ Through the Gifts of the Spirit will help you discover the particular gifts the Holy Spirit has given you and challenges you to use. A “Grace Gifts Inventory” is included in the book to help you identify and apply the spiritual gifts in your life.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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While I don’t know if all of the CCUMC family of faith knows all of what is done in its name, I do think the church does a lot of what was done as a faith community around the time after Pentecost.
There will be some adjustments with a new pastor, but I think we are still on a steady course. My usual Saturday morning get together and lunch with church friends. Only sprinkles so far, but Germany, Belgium, and Rensselaer County NY were hit by floods that cause damage beyond what flooding has done in the past. Thankfully no family or friends hurt. Worship tomorrow both in person and via ZOOM. Be lifted up NEM family of faith, you are all in my prayers. Thank You, Lord.
I love the way my church has adopted a local elementary school. Most of it services the children and their parents, but occasionally the teachers are recipients as well. I have got to believe they appreciate it.
Also – it seems that there is always someone who has walked a parallel path of trial, who is willing to come alongside someone currently in the same type of trial.
Helped my friend set up her tent for the art show this morning – and boy, was it raining. But we got it done, and we didn’t melt. Tomorrow is supposed to be all sun!
Got in an hour of tennis indoors – and it was really good to get that in, since I didn’t run this morning.
Fixed dinner for my friend’s family – the one whose daughter continues to struggle with her mental health. Was planning to just drop it off. Bur she invited me in and we talked for over an hour. She just needs a sounding board. She has the same diagnosis as me, and because of all the stress, she is in a bad flare. She knows I can relate, so she is willing to “go there” with me. I am grateful for her openness and our ability to share. I prayed with her before I left.
I miss my work at our soup kitchen but hopefully that will be started again this fall- we usually have over 150 people that we serve and I have missed that community since the pandemic- dinners have still been provided by local restaurants in take out containers but it is not the same as serving this community in our dinning room.
Prayers for the victims of the flooding in Germany and the families grieving in Miami and all victims of disasters that we have been witnessing. Thankful for a safe dry home, a good job, wonderful family. I am going to visit my mother and we will see extended family on my trip there. Thankful to be able to get away to see relatives I haven’t seen in several years. It will be a wonderful reunion of sorts. Wishing my kids could make it but all are unable to come at this time. Prayers for a friend who has a son struggling with severe mental illness – he has been incarcerated and my hope is that he receives the medical treatment that he has been refusing. Prayers for all who struggle with mental illness. Prayers for all here at the UR. I read this late today and am posting late – prayers and blessings for you all.
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