Today’s Reflection
One of the most stunning images of a woman finding provision in the wilderness comes from John, author of the book of Revelation. In chapter 12, he relates his vision of a celestial woman who wears the sun for clothing, stars for a crown, and the moon for shoes. Crying out in the labor of delivering a child, the woman is beset by a dragon that waits to devour her son. Her son is saved and taken to God; the woman flees to the wilderness, where she finds nourishment in a place that God has prepared for her.
—Jan L. Richardson, In the Sanctuary of Women: A Companion for Reflection and Prayer (Upper Room Books, 2010)
Today’s Question
What other biblical images of “provision in the wilderness” stand out to you?
Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
The woman fled into the desert, where God has prepared a place for her. There she will be taken care of for one thousand two hundred sixty days.
—Revelation 12:6 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
We are waking, God.
We are waking,
and we pray
that we may know you
as manna in the desert,
wellsprings in the wilderness,
honey from the rock,
O God our habitation
and our way.
—Jan L. Richardson, “Prayer for the Morning,” In the Sanctuary of Women
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Aren’t sure if spiritual direction is for you? Sacred Conversation, the latest release from Upper Room Books, explains what spiritual direction is and what it isn’t. Author Marsha Crockett invites you to experience the possibility of transformation as you ponder the gifts offered by the grace of God with the help of a spiritual director. Learn more here.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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There are so many of these including the manna from heaven and provisions from birds and just appearing at times of need.
We have heard that there are two applications for the kitties before us. I know we present well as in things such as our vets recommendation is always glowing. Please pray we are the paarents’ God wants for these sweeties. The window salesman came yesterday and h stayed in his office the entire time. Therefore the aappointment went well and the windows will be installed in June. I also bought a new sliding door for the deck/kitchen door.
Prayers that Ally and David’s counselling goes well. Prayers for April to have strength and times of rest. Prayers that Roger’s body continues to respond to the medicine and new food and Jill’s evaluation goes well. Prayers that Robert’s travel is safe and move is smooth.
I immediately thought of the story of Hagar and Ishmeal. How they fled from Sari but were seen and cared for by God. God also instructed Hagar to return to Sari who had mistreated her. Her son Ishmeal means “God hears.” I have a new book by Sarah Young called “Jesus Listens.” Everyday there is a prayer to pray, and I am reminded that Jesus listens. This leads me to the next step, what is God’s answer? His answer is “come.” Whatever the day brings, God is leading, Jesus is walking beside me, and the Holy Spirit is within me to give me strength.
I also have another book, “The power of Thank you” by Joyce Meyer. The subtitle is “Discover the Joy of Gratitude.” I am reading it slowly and savoring the messages I am hearing.
So good to connect with my NEM family!! Like Lou, posting when I can, but reading and praying every day. St Patrick’s Day is long gone, but I will send to you all the Traditional Irish Blessing I sent to my texting friends:
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Wish my memory was more specific but there is the woman who is in the desert and makes bread for a prophet with the very little oil she has., of course Jesus is in the desert for 40 days with nothing to eat. What a joy to find posts before mine, being first has its disadvantages. Yes, I too pray for Ally & David, they have a very full plate of needs, concerns. Thankful that new windows are on the way at Julie’s. Thankful too for April’s Irish blessing. May Roger’s new medicine solve his problem, he’s been a patient patient. I’m very aware of the tension teacher’s feel when evaluation time comes, but I am very confident that Jill will do very well. The patching of the drip caused hole and nearby by sheetrock is well underway. . Packing, prep, car brake check up, and new home search are on the agenda. I surely thank all of you for your prayers that this move will go super smoothly, that’s very much needed and desired. We have a very good plan and so far, so good. One more snow fall in the forecast, but spring is definitely here. Thank You, Lord
The biblical image that resonates with me is the account of Hagar and Ishmael after they were cast into the desert. They reached utter despair and were at point of dying of thirst. Hagar cried out to God in her despair: “God! Do You see me? Do You hear me? We are dying”. God sent help in the form of an oasis. Hagar and Ishmael drank until their bodies were renewed. From that moment, Hagar called God El Roi. The God Who Sees Me. God sent that kind of help to me after a bad breakup. God sent it 2 years ago through our NEM forum when David was on a ventilator, fighting for his life. Your being there for me kept me sane. I do not have words to express my gratitude to you. 2 years ago today, I came home from work to news from David that he had fever and respiratory symptoms. Thanks be to God for miracles.
Julie, I’m giving thanks that you will have the new windows and sliding door. Also praying your application is accepted for the kitties. April, thank you for your insight into the story of Hagar. It is also the first one which came to my mind. Thank you for the Irish prayer. Robert, praying for your trip and that you find the home that meets your needs. Hope you enjoyed Call The Midwife. Hopefully, David and I will get to watch seasons 10 and 11 soon. Alas, they won’t be coming to Netflix. Jill, many prayers for your evaluation and for you as school stuff occupies. Prayers continue for Roger’s new regimen and that he continues to feel better.
Thanks to all for your prayers for us. Expecting storms, but hopefully not severe. Blessings.
When I was seeing a counselor during mom’s struggle – she always encouraged me to look for “manna” in between appointments, and to name the “manna” at each subsequent appointment.
The provision which Christ used while being tempted in the wilderness – was the Word of God. What better provision can there be?
One of the teachers has begun a countdown to spring break. Good grief. It seems too far away. Any countdown that is in double digits is no countdown for me. There is too much to be done. But I did begin working on the most cumbersome task which needs to be completed. I have 21 projects which need to be uploaded with my comments digitally placed on them. I completed 3 today. Each year I get a little bit better with the technological aspect of this. Today went fairly smoothly. If I can just do a few each day – I will be alright. Maybe that should be my countdown.
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