Today’s Reflection
WHEN WE FOLLOW Jesus, we’re with the one who offers hope, touches wounds, comforts grief, speaks compassion, uses courage, and bestows mercy. We may find ourselves in places of great affliction, but we won’t find ourselves without hope. When we follow Jesus, we’ll get a glimpse of the kingdom to come, a complex and colorful kingdom where all God’s people are welcomed and loved.
—Rebecca Dwight Bruff, Loving the World with God: Fourth Day Living, (Upper Room Books, 2014)
Today’s Question
How does following Jesus reveal glimpses of God’s complex and colorful kingdom? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
After this I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, robed in white, with palm branches in their hands.
—Revelation 7:9 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
Grant us, Lord God, a vision of your world as your love would have it:
a world where the weak are protected, and none go hungry or poor;
a world where the riches of creation are shared, and everyone can enjoy them;
a world where different races and cultures live in harmony and mutual respect;
a world where peace is built with justice, and justice is guided by love.
Give us the inspiration and courage to build it, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room .
Something More
Looking for creative ways to share gratitude this Thanksgiving? Click here to discover ideas for showing gratitude this Thanksgiving.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Following Him, clinging earnestly to His timing and ways – reveals the intricacy and intimacy of His plan. The inner-weavings of His masterpiece, bringing people together, at just the right time, to meet a specific need, carrying forward His Kingdom. Thank You, Father. Yes – thank You, Father. There is no such thing as coincidence. There is Amazing Grace. There is Providential Sovereignty. There is Our Great God.
What caught my eye above was “uses courage”. Yes, yes He does. The faintest amount of courage…re-setting our gaze in His direction. This does not return void. Praise Him.
Father – take the courage dad brings in facing today, in facing this holiday without his spouse, and use it and bolster him up. I praise You for how You have sustained him. Give me wisdom in listening, in speaking, in loving him.
With gratitude for the sharings here. May each one who stops by today be blessed by the complete comfort He offers. May our hearts overflow with gratitude for our Great Father and the work He does in us and through us.
Following Jesus reveals glimpses of the Father, his love, compassion and comfort. Be following Jesus, we see God’s aspirations for us as Christians, to give freely from the well of compassion and love God has provided us. By following Jesus we see God’s desires for His world He created, that we should be good stewards of the resources and enjoy fellowship with all of creation, every member, no matter how different from ourselves.
Thank you Jill for your thoughtful and insightful comments as always. May you and your family enjoy a day filled with love and warm, happy memories.
Thank you and God bless all who visit here today
Following Jesus reveals glimpses of God’s goodness, faithfulness, grace, mercy, love, power and wisdom.
Thank you God for the joy of following Jesus!
Blessings to all!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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